
Agree with NW Indy (and let’s just be honest, the entire state) having a 3rd world country feel to it.

So.....autopilot cannot ascertain that it’s heading straight for shore, full speed, and as a boat, it’s sub-optimal to be shore-bound? Is this a software malfunction or the most poorly designed boat autopilot ever?

Here’s a better example, to keep it apples to pommes:

While I cant be certain, I have a feeling a big impetus of this sentence was the wife’s insistence on not pressing charges or in any way supporting any incarceration. TMK, they haven’t even divorced, but stay married.

The problem with the system is it’s based on check amount, not actual work done. A waiter at a very upscale resty that serves a older couple with food and a bottle of wine will have some huge tabs, but not likely need to get refills, extra napkins, more butter, etc., and will “earn” a fat tip. Meanwhile the guy

The Baltic Arrow was reportedly carrying timber

Honest question — why does one give the dealership their car keys (for them to “lose”)? Is this for trade-in value inspection? If so, why wouldn’t you want to be monitoring their “inspection” to make sure nothing is rooked?

I would also expect this “yooz mah car!” biz would significantly complicate one’s taxes. You’d be trying to “biz expense” only those miles on the car used during robotaxi shit, but one would have to track this number constantly and how would one verify this value for the IRS? I think you can use depreciation/wear/tear 

where the cars are charged, cleaned and inspected every day

You got to be kidding....even for a Honda, 216K miles is a lot...and in shit paint, shit interior, broken this and that, and they are asking for >4K? This is a $1.5K car at best.

Alternate heady: Bleak beginning: brakes break, bloke’s broke 

I’m thinking Point Nemo.

These 2 puns going head-to-head are neck-and-neck for the lead as best one.

Also seen screaming “Lawn Hoarder!” whenever his 24/7 Fox News shows a man with a bit of pigment getting uppity.

There’s no way it can be this easy to merely change the delivery addy last-minute and have the delivery guy go a Full Sgt. Schultz as he blindly dumps the car at that new location, unless the delivery guy is in on the scam.

So 8 billion is not enough, eh?  Anyone want to tell this to fish stocks, pollution monitors, microplastic researchers, or anyone driving through LA at pretty much any time during the day?

This was my thought too.   Whomever gets stuck parking next to this could come out to a seriously warped body panel and/or bubbled paint, depending on just how much sun this thing might focus on a particular spot of a neighboring car....

And therein lies the rub....she either attempts to fly commercial and turns every airport she enters into a stampeding, screaming shit-show, or she flies private and burns a lot of petrol.  The latter actually seems more sane, more efficient, less dangerous, and far easier for herself and staff.  Meh.

Boeing double-pinky swears to not have any 200+ death crashes in the next 5.3 months.

That stuff comes in 16oz (20oz?) cans, and I think is about 7%. 6 tall boys of a 7% craft-ish beer would def put you in BAL double-digits....0.15 BAL makes sense.