A Swiss miss
Sold for $260K on a Sunday, stolen on Monday, insurance payout of ~$130K on Tuesday, suicide by Wednesday.
It’s almost like bodies (humans and otherwise) have evolved to use ever-present gravity for various feedback loops and maintaining balance and homeostasis, and in its absence, the body goes “WTF?” on itself....shocked!
I think what people expect is for an app to NOT attempt to objectively critique one’s driving “skill”/ability/safety (and then send on to insurance companies) based on quite subjective metrics as “hard braking” and “aggressive acceleration”.
So a stockholder vote can usurp a judicial finding? Did not know this. Why didn’t Boeing shareholders vote to reverse the FAA’s Max 8 grounding? Why didn’t Enron shareholders just vote to reverse all those criminal convictions? How does this vote invalidate the Delaware court’s decision?
Flew a Qantas A380 a few years ago. Can attest it is the best plane, best service, best airline period full stop.
If these chargers aren’t a part of a larger convenience store location (read: lights, cameras, witnesses) this will just continue to happen. Gotta have some semblance of security, otherwise this could happen daily. Who wants to risk bricking their car on long-distance journey b/c all the charger stations available are…
and doesn’t think he’ll go back to Troy
Whoa...this gets even weirder....the suspect was interviewed by local media mere hours before, as this same Joe Grier guy was a witness to a different shooting in a mall just a few hours earlier. In that interview, he admits to being a unmedicated bipolar guy, currently on edge.
Some of this is a domino effect, right? As more go up, the remaining owners with plans to flip realize their chance to sell at a profit is dwindling, leading to more for-sales, leading to more consternation of soon-to-be sellers, leading to even more sell offers, etc. Cant be a huge market for these, so once that is…
his behavior made her job harder
Counterpoint: he’s the only Dem who’s beaten Trump in an election. What makes you so certain another Dem makes this a cakewalk?
I had no idea they made so little. That’s gotta be close to poverty levels in big metro areas (where airports exist). Are there perks I’m not aware of, like all family member fly free (making vacations cheaper), or overtime? Otherwise, who lives on $28K/yr?
Its name was probably mis-recorded after first guy to get there announced “I see bay!” and his secretary misunderstood, shrugged some shoulders and thought “whatever...” as she scribbled it down on the map.
But just think of how many noroviruses would be destroyed
Ah, I’ve watched enough Air Disasters to know the answer (I think) — the storm is SO dense that it appears on radar as blackness, which is also the radar color of NO storm. So the most intense part of the storm reflects back the same image as pilots might interpret as the safest part of a storm cell (no color). This…
First thought: Holy crap! $20K off? I’m in! What a deal!
$6K for a 2005 Taurus is criminal. I bought a 2003 Taurus in 2007 for only $5K; only 4 years old at the time and $1K cheaper....this buyer is amazingly ignorant of car prices/value/scams