
Bullish investors justify Tesla’s valuation with a long list of reasons, pointing to its technology and fervent fan base

Any car with a trans-mission or trans-axle, any car used for trans-portation, any cars made in June, and Chevrolets, because the name sounds French and frenchmen are nancy boys.

He didn’t stop driving the car, under court order. He didn’t un-modify his exhaust, per court order. If you think he’s going to pay this fine under court order, I have Death Valley fishing gear to sell ya.

I’m sorry, but it’s simply not possible for 1 person to do CEO-level work at six companies simultaneously.  He’s clearly figurehead CEO at several, but even then, there’s just no way 1 person can be properly up-to-date on the important metrics at so many companies at once.  He’s basically failing all of them by trying

Did they survive?  Cant handle the suspense!

Tungsten Cube sounds like Ice’s heavy metal band brother....

If the stock market’s valuation was truly tied to company performance, Tesla wouldn’t be close to “worth” half a trillion. But as Musk recognizes, the current market is largely detached from company fundamentals, and now cult of personality drives prices. As a showman and cult leader, he indeed is the reason for the

Caltrans was called to handle all of the meat

Brand new owner of a blue car; was told it was the only one painted blue available in a 300-mile radius from the dealer at the moment, with no more planned for delivery. Dealer said it was least popular color (thus why so few existed) but we loved it, now own it.

Wait....this is a Boeing plane and you left that out of the headline?  Has we new editors?

Some Irish youths..... known as the Stone Throwers..... threw stones

I’ve done half of what this guy did....came out of a bank at a time when brown Ford Tauruses were everywhere, jumped in, sat down, then noticed a smell I was not used to. Looked around and realized it wasn’t my car; got out and prayed no one would assault or shoot me over this mistake. Jumped in my own car 2 spots

My thought exactly....it took tied shoelaces to make Neymar fall down? I dont think so.....could have been a gentle breeze, or a defender in roughly the same area code.

I can relate

could barely pull a piece of string out of a cat’s ass

Maybe his first name is “Les”?

I’m surprised the cops aren’t more pissed about how often those body cams just accidently and certainly-not-purposefully turn themselves off at just the wrong moment....

Airport grounds crew jobs literally suck.

Goose joins the chat....