who will then bill the cargo companies for whatever they owe for the salvage efforts
who will then bill the cargo companies for whatever they owe for the salvage efforts
How dare politicians focus on bridges that carry thousands of people every day when a embryo, somewhere probably, might be terminated? Why protect hundreds of actual people from peril when you can save one hypothetical, theoretical clump of tissue instead?
Pardon me for not being an accountant, but where, specifically, would this $56B come from? Does Tesla just have it laying on the floor somewhere? Or is it all in new stock (which would dilute the current amount, tanking the price, right?)?
the driver experienced a “medical emergency,” which caused the incident and means that no criminal charges have been filed against them
What’s the “dont wash in sunlight” shit all about? Must one go sudsy only during an eclipse? Only at 1AM?
Gold, Jerry. Gold!
Article writer refers to Cotton as both Senator and “former US Senator”....anyone know, because the author seems confused....
lighting powered by electricity coming from somewhere
in regards to Musk, calling him “Tesla’s most important employee.”
For the 1000th time....the Venn of BroDozer Enthusiasts and EcoConscious WorldSavers is a tiny, perhaps microscopic sliver of a circle. Like trying to sell a bag of Doritos to a supermodel, or birthday cards to a Jehovah.
What’s the overall peak performance that you have within a session?
Another location laid off all front-of-house staff
Had the same thought — why 10% and not, say, 9.3 or 8.9%? Seems like they decided to cut 10% regardless of whether this is accurate and correct. Would find it hard to believe that an accurate, methodical review of duplicate roles and/or under utilized jobs came out to be exactly 10% of the roster. That’s crazy high…
After spending about five minutes trying to get the Tesla app to recognize his Rivian, he decided to give up and head to the now old-school EVGo charger for some CCS2-fed electrons.
Non stop Houston to Brisbane; about a 15 hour flight. I reserve an aisle seat due to moderate claustrophobia, and fly coach to “save the company money” (pro tip: dont ever do this). Get on ginormous plane (787?) and find out my seat choice didn’t “take” properly, and instead I’m assigned to the middle of the middle row…
I cannot get over the fact that a company that purports to be A Real Company With Real Products to Be Taken Really Seriously cannot be arsed to have a PR department, or any group responsible for answering media questions. The corporate equivalent of kids putting fingers in their ears so no bad news can be heard.…
There’s Norway they didn’t properly Finnish the job. Investigate, take names, Denmark down all the engineers who OK’d it and banish them to Greenland.
The biggest reduction of $5,500 is on the Flash extended-range model, which now starts at $67,995, the automaker said.
Per usual nowadays, this has the feel of fakery. I’m sure she was notified ahead of time of the update — because Tesla’s not going to just start an update without a warning — so why didn’t she exit then?
Towing an occupied car, with occupants either furious, scared shitless, or both, is #16 on the list of What Actions are Likeliest to Get One Shot.