Even though just three people are named in the lawsuit it’s more than just them who could benefit. It also seeks damages on behalf of other passengers who may have flown on Boeing 737 Max 9 airplanes
Even though just three people are named in the lawsuit it’s more than just them who could benefit. It also seeks damages on behalf of other passengers who may have flown on Boeing 737 Max 9 airplanes
Accidental discharge should result in a kid, not a gravesite.
Can anyone explain the “bent” cockpit/nosecone? What is the purpose of the extra windows in the nose....and did it flex straight when flying, and only bend for takeoff?
The move means that autonomous cars will now be able to travel up to 65 mph on local roads and highways in certain areas
Vince Neil, is that you?
Maybe a Plan A would be to plan on Plan B to be available so she doesn’t see Plan C needs.
Please tell me “envelopes of cash” is a euphemism for “control spending”, and not literally, envelopes with hundreds or thousands. Because if he is advocating literally walking around with thousands in cash tucked in envelopes, very quickly it will become a battle between cops and robbers on who gets to civil…
They asked to send cryptocurrency to get more people to use crypto and to make the world a better place.
Isn’t “complimentary WiFi” quite de rigueur at all dealerships as well?
Party of lawn hoarder
On the big island, cockroaches are the least of your problems. What you really, really want to avoid encountering are Asian centipedes. Google them....not close to bedtime, however.
This all happened around 3:30 a.m.
Is this the son who’s a father (or soon to be), or are there more spawns of satan that have passed that vaginal canal?
Not to mention, how does one expect to escape capture? You can only land planes at certain places, and you can literally keep an eye on the thief the entire time. There’s absolutely no “parking garage” escape equivalent with a rooked plane...so what’s the purpose of the crime, unless one actually covets 3 hots and a…
possession of a bulletproof vest while committing certain offenses
Me, reading first part of article: Wow, this is really messed up.
At this point, the MAX design has been scrutinized over by pretty much everyone, from NTSB, FAA, Boeing, independent teams, etc. If all of them are wrong and Pierson’s the only one who’s right, that would be some amazing fail. I can’t believe, with the sheer number of outside experts reviewing this plane, that its…
Let’s say for all his published worth ($200B), he’s only 20B liquid. The ~$15K owed would be just 473 seconds of earned interest (at 5%) on this amount. Musk could recoup this “loss” in less than 8 minutes of sleeping, trolling, or making even more kids, and have a kick-ass PR move to show everyone.
The company makes its money and shareholder value
Having two identical 2011 Honda Pilots.