
Confused to whom this money goes....does SW just Venmo the FAA this filthy lucre and then walk away, no mandated changes to the software? Wouldn’t a better “punishment” be to force them to use this $140 very large to upgrade their Apple 2es into at least a mid 90s Mac or perhaps a few desktop Dells? Force them to

Note to self: Stay the hell out of Commerce City, CO....they’re thick as thieves, they are.

2 14 year old girls, so 8th grade or HS froshes, out past 2AM with 2 older teenage boys? Their D.D. was either also drunk or just a really bad driver, as well? There’s so many red flags here it’s impossible to count.

The last time donuts hospitalized this many people, the Diabetics Anonymous meeting broke allegiance and bum-rushed the Krispy Kreme.

Manufacturing modern EVs makes them look like a tech company

While we’re reminiscing about planet-named car makers, give me Mercury back. Specifically, the Mercury Lynx. 4-speed manual, no A/C, no power steering, no FM radio.

the transporting officer appears to turn off the body camera, even though policy requires it stay on during the ride

Imagine placing your White Castle order with Gilbert Gottfried’s digital doppelganger

I’ve got no beef with this.

The key is fast charging that works.

Now imagine if, in your scenario, the actual tried-and-true “good guy” was a young Black man? He could nullify the bad guy, apply aid to the wounded, yet gets shot 9.2 out of 10 times regardless.

I cant get over how clean the engine is for a car 32 years old. Impossibly clean.

So the ones responsible for going there and getting them back home were Labrador retrievers?

^^^This. The longer the track running at 2 mph, the slower the process, and fewer the cars.  You want the shortest track possible, and ask all cars to approach and leave the barn at approx. 38.4 mph.

Say what you want about overkill, if a small bomb may be lurking in the backpack, a few dead (or hand-less) thieves may prove to be the effective deterrent.  Far easier to spot the thief running around arm-less than one in glitter.

Esp. when the “leave your car” issue meets up with the aggressive tow policies of many urban lots, whereby an overnight stay in the lot results in a tow and storage fee the next day.

I’ve been trying to understand the “nitrogen in tires” thing forever. What’s the supposed “advantage”? It’s a smaller density gas than straight air, so I would suspect greater leakage and quicker to need air. Tires dont oxidize at any meaningful rate, so no need to exclude oxygen and other air components. So why is N2

Came here to ask this exact question — if “paying attention” and “hands on the wheel” are prereqs, how is “autopilot” any diff than just regular ole’ driving?

If we couldn’t get ~40% of the country on board with a life-saving vaccine, we ain’t getting that same 40% on board with a life-saving device. No chance. Zero. Especially when a not-insignificant percent of that 40% would be disproportionally affected by such a EtOH-based restriction.

I imagine they construct their little hives wearing leather gloves, a scarf draped betwixt their wings, sipping oolong at 10AM each morning droning on about the fanciness of it all, until the Queen wakes and requests more flouncing.