
And, sadly enough, you know damn well she’s gonna get said gig, too. 50 internet dollars says they were dialing her number before the Skrillex intro music faded out.

The sad thing is, this is how the world really works.

Because when you want hard-hitting perspective about how the world really works, you go to a 24 year old blond who's putting together an audition reel for a sweet FoxNews gig.

Well, if people wouldn’t heckle someone who already has a hard enough life that they need to try and sell bugs on the subway...perhaps this wouldn’t have happened. Serves them right for being such poor human beings they couldn’t treat her with dignity/decency.

“Crickets on a Train”

Dialogue of first 20 seconds:

Be very cautious in purchasing these OBDII code scanner. Some of these readers are being sold with vicious autoloading software that may do damage to your ECM, ECU, or worst your automobile. Believe me I learned the hard way.

Be very cautious in purchasing these OBDII code scanner. Some of these readers are being sold with vicious

It could be done, but I think it would tax the shit out of the CPU when you got a lot of units on the screen so there would have to be a cap.

Would love to see a physics-based RTS where units don’t have set attack values, but instead projectile velocity and material that interacts with the material it hits.

I can’t believe I am taking the time to respond to this...

Wow... I don't even know where to begin to tell you how wrong you are...

The really funny part is that it takes more education to sit in a car and not drive than it does to be a cop lol

Easiest, except also most mind-numbingly boring since you need to be ready to take over. And there’s only so much jalopnik/reddit/4chan one can take in a day.

I’m actually looking forward to the Self-Driving Car future. Since they’re unlikely to outlaw real cars, it basically means that all the stupid old people who do twenty under the limit in the fast lane are now going to be doing things properly.

I’m surprised it didn’t also require “2-5 years experience in the field”.

You should be excited. Once all the idiot drivers turn into robots, they’ll be a lot more predictable. I doubt they’ll outlaw driver’s cars any time soon. That would be an extremely forward-thinking law that would cause a drastic financial impact for a lot of people, and governments aren’t known for quickness when

Exactly. If I discretely call the police because I see an adult trying to lure a child into his / her car, I’m amoral...but the person who jumps in and potentially puts everyone in danger is a hero. The show is a little to altruistic for my tastes, but then...when has reality TV ever reflected reality?

I am crazy or is this another instance of using ‘trolling’ where it should be ‘trawling’?

I have failed to be a good samaritan so many times out of fear of other people.

I abhor this show. Just this week, we had a good guy with a gun shot for trying to (stupidly) intervene in a domestic dispute. This show portrays people with the good sense not to get involved in spats as ignorant and immoral. Sorry, but who knows what people are capable of in this day and age and who knows what