
and both are one and the same thing. the information runs along those cables (or they did back in the 90's when POTS was the only infrastructure to handle said network.

dont forget his (currently 80 stars) supporters too!.. 8-P

“i have words. i have the best words”

Caps lock is still broken I see. lets fix your garbage again.

This article relates to Ford, (they manufacture cars).

psst, we have unions in Canada too. costs are very similar albeit the exchange rate for currency.

Ford should sue Trump for slander/libel/lost revenues;

They would include this in their lawsuit. If 1/4 of their demo is

lol my first post was exactly that, they should shut that fat fucker up already.

“they’re* just trolls”
My 2 cents is that it started when the american dollar was backed by a private company thanks to JP Morgan and friends. The founding fathers had different ideas about the monetary systems. The price of inflation has forced customers to buy cheap items, simply to stay alive.

yep, i’ve heard a common saying “ill move to canada”

well he did say kill the families of terrorists. perhaps he thinks hunting will make murica great.

they learned that tactic at Trump University before it closed.

maybe people are concerned with the content of a lie and frequency of a lie. Yes both have lied. They are human, So have you and I.

Ford should sue Trump for false detrimental statements and as one idiotic Trump supporter said he would no longer support Ford as a result. That’s lost revenues for slander and Ford would win this legal battle should they choose to sue the pants off him.

important lesson, rules are bent for ppl that dont rick the boat. people that rock the boat get the book thrown a them.

i was going to say, burning hydrogen still requires oxygen and the byproduct is water, which can be broken down via electrolysis back into its two components for burning again. there is a considerable amount of engery lost in the system and the refueling would still need to be done.

sorry i thought it was obvious. He’s will smith’s son, therefore people assume he’s important. And enough people making assumptions, means its fact ( as per American spelling/dictionary/language), thus he is famous.

yeah without alexandra breckenridge it lost the allure and lustre fast.

they need more Alexandra Breckenridge. Shame she wasn’t in more seasons like some of the other actors/actresses were recycled.