
I used to work security for a tripartite government building. All officers are trained and licensed professionals. During the first week of training the instructor made it quite clear that heroics and optics are two sides of the same coin.

Getting involved is a liability many cannot afford to risk.

Trolls should know its pronounced Targét.

In a world where madness is the norm, that makes the sane insane.

never even considered purchasing an autonomous car, even if they were affordable, until now. If they accept ALL liability for ALL accidents involved, wow does that ever change the insurance game.

*looks in pocket* no 4K here.. maybe you stole mine? give it back pls...

hope this isnt an april fools joke cause i want to try that. cant be that bad.

Now playing

you can always slap on some coverup and nobody would be the wiser;

you assume nobody else on the road needs to get where they need to go. Of coarse you will have to stop for traffic lights, if you are not going the route they thought you would (ie: common roadways), not to mention that all goes to shit when the passengers in other cars don’t drive as well as others. ie: waiting at

and his vehicle, more than likely, in some manner.

these work great IF people use turn signals. Where I live, signals are used maaaybe 1/10 of the time. that’s a big if and a long maybe. Meaning these things waste more time than they save while merging traffic waits for the people in the circle to wait until they pass, except they don’t pass, they just don’t signal as

So, no more cars that have steering wheels allowed? TMK classic cars are still allowed on roads. What about cyclists?> Pedestrians? How does one regulate the flow?

he wants everyone to know he knows all the words associated for this phenomenon. he did some brushing up before this flight.

or those colour-blind, as they expect green to always be at the bottom and can tell which is lit, but not which colour it is.

shapes is a good idea

“speeding up to way too* fast” or better yet “going way too fast”

really? any links?

re: #2: most people driving appear to have non-attached brain stems then. at least in my city.

cherry bombs should be illegal and lack of cat converters obviously are, I dont know why harley’s arent illegal tbh as they are the loudest offenders of noise pollution.

red arrow? wow that IS confusing. here we have yellow and green arrows to indicate turning lanes. a red seems non-intutive as red means stop, but an arrow indicates go, so stop going left? why not a red light and a green/yellow arrow in the direction that is still allowed (if any)