
wax on, wax off. Son you are trained for your driver’s ed test.

this has already existed to an extent. in the 90’s pablo ecobar hired a guy that made a remote controlled toy car bomb. (im sure youve seen in GTA the same thing, this is where they got it from)

another surly face

he sure look surly here

you havent made any valid points to your comparison. visually they look identical, and to me that says the cheaper of the two wins.

Agreed, Tesla started the new wave of technology to compete with.

ouch $30,000 is affordable to people? And yet I’m somehow not poor enough to receive any sort of financial help. 8-/

i read that the person he was accused of killing remains alive.

Police corruption. Surprise surprise. power corrupts.

but, they could have exercised civil disobedience.

star me if you wanted to star him twice! ^^^^

maybe Trump organized this. I could see him pulling a Hitler.

aren’t all extremists idiots though?...

the gov already walks over and steals anything they want.

if its an open state law (ie: ppl can carry guns to the drug store so going to some forestry building also applies), then they are only occupying. the fact they have guns is unrelated. Now if they point those at people when asking for something, then it certainly is terrorism.

while there’s a small possibility there is some treasure there, it has been heavily explored over a very long period of time. i suspect nothing remains to be found there. the real reason is the fact that so many people have dug there, it leaves a lot of “storyline” for episodes of a tv show.

you can’t nullify the most likely candidate of occam’s razor.

this is the truth though. people treat antique shops as yard sales.

I’d wager lots of Nazi’s were just regular guys that didn’t want to get killed for not fighting for the German army.

Going off your chart and logic, we should give that gold to Belarus.