
phone surfing is just rude at board game night.

I was gunna say. the rest of the women are at my house and his question should have been, “Why does Spout have all the women?”, but alas, you only get one question.

Wouldn’t working for Tesla ultimately help him fulfill that goal? Or do you feel he doesn’t want to be tethered to a single mode of work and has enough money to sustain his curiosities?

If he declined that means he knows he is spewing BS. I mean, who turns down money like that from a reputable company unless the CEO somehow killed his father in some freak accident?

Just an FYI I felt appropriate to attach to your comment (not that anything with your comment was erroneous)

Great article. Gives two valid points from both sides of this coin and makes a suggestion at mending the gap between them.

i bet the germans are planning to make these all into little atom bombs... the dieselgate was just a test to see how long it could go un-noticed. Now they know several years. So they can roll out X amount of bombs in Y amuont of time to the states and deploy on or defore that date..

Affect is usually a verb, and effect is usually a noun. To affect something is to change or influence it, and an effect is something that happens due to a cause.

i heard chicken pox can be fatal to adults. perhaps these vaccines are harmful to adults.


maybe i misunderstood. Why have i not heard more hype about them curing herpes? I will admit that I have warded off sloots for ages due to the fact i don’t want to contract a permanent virus.

1 tip only.

“most clever*”, not “cleverist”

im going to throw up if i have to see another stupid star wars article

“Earth inhabitants (including Germans) pissed at Volkswagon for making polluting shit machines.”

sounds like you need an assload of money and time to be able to work in this field. Sadly with rent and fees every month i can’t afford to take time off work to go to school, and even if i could, i wouldnt have the money for school.

Price of refills for laser is much more expensive. Laser typically are black and white, and for this price likely as well.

Price of refills for laser is much more expensive. Laser typically are black and white, and for this price likely as

Although I’m not a fan of Lego articles, this is one I actually found interesting. ty

yes, South park has been doing society a well service of adding Principle PC (progressive conservative) which helps to highlight the stupidity of the PC movement and the inequality of equality and affirmative action plans.

haven’t you heard.? the new definition of brave is to go through something horrible and not kill yourself. i assume this is based on the false thought that killing yourself is the easy way out, but i assure you, it is VERY difficult to build up the nerve to do it. in fact i think the bravest are those that can