
Agreed, the large majority will benefit from checking their kids. Once the kid hits adolescence though there’s really no point in this. As for the LBGT community up in arms, they are a small percentage that are just more vocal than the average and get a lot of media attention for their cause. I do not wish to

Agreed. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” As the saying goes. If someone wants to spy, they don’t need MS to do it.

If you see yourself as a victim in a relationship. That’s your queue to leave that person. Not compplain to MS that an opt-out feature should be opt-in.

Juding from of the sites i see in my history on the spare living room pc, yeah my friends and visitors use it for some more obscure searches! I also have a free wifi for guests, lord knows what thats used for. And to be honest I trust them all as people/individuals, so as long as I keep my system clean and virus free,

White collar problems methinks.

yeah my step-parents for one... but you know what. legally, they are. Not just property, but responsibility. if the kids does something wrong, they blame the parents.

And those kicked out by their parents that are under 18 can go to the government for assistance. Probably be better off than hiding their identity for their maturing/developing years.

And sometimes they think maybe little johnny that never showers or talk to kids and killed the family dog should be watched a little closer to ensure he isn’t looking up “how to build a bomb” or something. It’s a good feature but I agree that 90% of the kids out there shouldn’t and don;t need to be watched like this.

Also, these “reports” could still be generated by someone with al ittle know-how. Check the activity logs in windows and browsers/routers etc.. All MS did was make it easier fro the average person to get this data. Long story short, if it’s not YOUR own PC (personal computer) then don’t complain someone is spying on

Wow, one of the most comments already. It’s clear American’s like their guns. I agree with the common sense this articles states and my sympathies go out to the writer of the article for the flak he will get from other outraged Americans.

when i bike ride i listen to music, the cord pulls on my ears and dislodges from my ear frquently as my legs move. A set of these would be handy as my device could remain in my pocket and the headphones won’t tug to my pocket, just around the device on my neck, which is weighted and won’t fall off my shoulders like

Laws get updated as society changes. To claim the forefathers could see into the future and their laws would never be antiquated seems absurd to me.

As in tossing them in jail for years and years? like the ids that smoke pot right?

In his defense though, bunches of the civilized world don’t allow anyone to go buy these deadly guns. Or at least not with such lax laws (ie: licensing etc) If I understand his viewpoint. (ie: Australia, Great Britain, Canada etc..)

I’m game for discussion. So is the right to bare arms mostly saying to revolt against government if they do something the majority disagree with? (Then why conscription?). Is it to ensure your safety from invaders? (Then why such a large Army?), Is it to defend yourself against your neighbour and thieves? (Then why

I’m worried they have more stars than us right now... 8-/

It’s not the content that he leaked, it’s the fact that he leaked anything. They didn’t give explicit allowance for this and thus he is labelled a liability. How is the company to know this won;t happen again but with more sensitive information. It definitely does suck that companies have all sorts of these clauses

Well, since Futurama did this first. Perhaps we can ban the release of Sandlers crapfest as it is copyright infringement?

I wonder if this is somehow a gimmick to generate interest in the new movie which is crap and we all know it without seeing it.

This should be second at the top for comment stars. Succinctly put.