
they can hold you for 24 hours on suspicion. yepits like waiting in the doctors smaller waiting room while they google and hit text books before cming back withadvice.
copa slock you up for 24 hrs and research the law. if hey cant do anythng they let you go, this time.

think you missed the verdict at the bottom of the article that explicitly states

re-write rules that have no need to be re-written, for the people that are too stupid to follow simple rules?
i reckon the easier solution, to re-inventing the wheel, is to simply stop passing everyone and make road test a lot more difficult to pass. If that many morons on the roads then their certification system is

i cant even be in passenger seat of car or public transportation without my motion sickness kicking in. autonomous or not, you raise very real issues for me.

whew, no wife, no kids, just me.

they don’t teach anyone anything anymore, ppl on the road get license from crackerjack boxes. nobody knows what a turn signal is even for let alone should checking.
it’s a mad-house out there.

This is about the only thing i see wrong with the video. this “unprotected” is something ill-defined and never encountered and not well explained in the video nor article. The driver “didn’t feel safe”. Well he had air bags and a seatbelt, that’s protected.

want me to ship you some preparation H? you seem mighty butt-hurt.

research, as in go into the dealership, dont give them your keys, dont ask them any questions, go inside and lok round, when a sales guy asks you if you want to look closer, tell him, “i dont have money to buy a new car im just browsing” they will label you a “tire kicker” and ignore you like you were already dead to

“Never attribute to malice that which can be explained away by ignorance”

I anticipate some hidden change where he indemnifies his entire bloodline in perpetuity in the USA of A and the “Free world” thus any nation that claims they are free or offers anything for free (including but not limited to air and rain) cannot prosecute any of his kin for anything, ever.
“Let it be known that I DJT

absolutely splendidly

Since 1/3 of the population lack the capacity to use logic, that means that 1/3 of your stars are from people that think you are commenting in earnest instead of satire.

As a person of Scottish decent, and with swinging nuts and semas that split them in twine, I’m oft one to want to wear me kilt attire. Alas people look sideways at amman in a dress still in 2020. If I speak with the tongue that accompanies the attire, people are much more accepting. Less quesitons other than, “where



Believe it or not, I got shadow banned for that comment. I’m no
i used to be ungreyed for all subs except jizzabel, now I’m grey on ALL subs.
Since only giz staff can do this, they must be snowflakes.

The Queen of England would have been your primary ruler, but Americans wanted to steal some land and run it themselves.
Since the majority of votes in 2016 wanted a female president I think you’re inflating your sense of importance by saying “the Patriarchy is on freaking out!”. Only the republicans are freaking out.
