brexit was about replacing the uk population with “refugees” and the crime they brought with them to the streets and the govt mandated silence that came along with it - trade deals were a second thought m8 cheers
brexit was about replacing the uk population with “refugees” and the crime they brought with them to the streets and the govt mandated silence that came along with it - trade deals were a second thought m8 cheers
never said perfect replacement deliveryboi i said negate and that word is not implicitly comprehensive
u no that obama campaigned for remain right so wtf are you talking about being lied to by a foreign power? r u talking about him? and now your trying to use an ice cream analogy r u a fourth grade teacher by any chance because adult folks with skin in the game see reality as something other then an ice cream analogy u…
Oh, well hi. Would you mind explaining what you find so offensive in my reasoning?
The EU will chug along just fine with negative interest rates and levitating stocks until their countrysides are all but abandoned as their cities vacuum up populations both domestically and internationally, as it should be. They won’t be making a deal unless a US-UK deal harms them, which it might.
tea party ; main mistake ; thinking libertarians wouldnt get run over by non libertarias ; campaigned on the wrong issues ; took a Trump to set America back on track or as they are saying now great again
wrong - you lost and you need to deal with that votes have consequences or whatever obama said
scare tactics post vote don’t change the vote homeboi
“uk should indefinitely ignore the brexit vote and never do it - i don’t care that it was voted on - stupid queen”
i have a few questions .. first the people voted for brexit there is one side that wants to honor their wish and their is another side that wants to prevent it.
Hey there, just wanted to say that your memes are really good. I always have a bit of a chuckle when I see them. Know that your efforts are appreciated.
“we can no longer ignore the will of the people so sad”
how do you square that with the fact that uk citizens voted for brexit and their vote has been denied until now... pls
holup so everyone here love democracy until a vote don’t go your way? spanfella PLEASE! hard brexit now the eu is a joke it’s a supranational inelected board of autocrats and people who actually love democracy get that they should - instead of importing half the third world to appease their corporations among other…