sports team guy

I really feel bad about already hoping the Ball brothers will be busts in the NBA. But it’s all about the dad.

Stadium is not a problem. The owner Andrew Hauptman had every right to fix the field under the lease agreement but refused to. They chose not to in order to try and break the lease. He could have fixed the field and then deducted the cost from the rent they pay.

“Bad for a while” undersells the Fire. They’ve been dead last in the league for two straight seasons, and have been patently boring while doing so. The stadium in Bridgeview is a lesson in bad public funding schemes on par with the NHL’s Coyotes in Glendale. The debt on the park has sunk the suburb so badly that, a

This is far too conservative, and I’m nervous we’re setting impossible expectations for CP22.

I think he goes scoreless in the first leg, and then puts in 12 in the second. Monaco’s high-flying, goalscoring magic will result in an 11-0 first leg... then UEFA will decide to just give USA the World Cup trophy in the

I think it’s ridiculous you have Pulisic getting a hat trick in each leg. Please be more realistic about this kid.

Billy, when will we get Greg Howard on ArsenalFanTV? Especially now, when AFC sucks donkey dick? You’re a football media luminary, can’t you make that happen?

Waxed Chelsea 3-0 @ the Emirates earlier in the season before Santi got injured.

Kroenke, the Board, Arsene, it would be nice if they had some ambition for once. The stadium debt was a reasonable excuse for those years, but when the club is paying Walcott 140K a week, charging the highest prices in the PL and gawking at their best players wanting to be paid on par with their value I really can’t

Or maybe we should just let the players speak for themselves rather than fueling controversy-laden narratives that are based on nothing more than speculation by the media that has given us such amazing breaking stories such as Diego Costa heading to China in the middle of a title challenge.

I am sorry, I try to be positive, but I like reading about soccer so I click on these articles, and instead of getting something interesting about Arsenal I get some poorly sourced and researched screed about how much Arsenal suck because Arsenal and how embarrassing they are because Arsenal. Yes, we all get it, they

I just want it to change. Arsenal have been so consistently aggravating and frustrating for years now, I just want some alternative narrative. I don’t mean I want a championship narrative, I simply want something other than Team looks good, could challenge. Team then disintegrates to lose any chance of hardware.

I cannot defend this team. Kronke/Gazidis/Wenger have broken me.

I understand that you write based purely on clicks, but there are other teams in the world besides Arsenal and Barcelona.

Teams are probably banking on him walking away at the end of his contract. But they should know better than assuming he’ll be able to walk.

4. Has Ben Affleck ever met an autistic person?

Gee, I wonder if Billy is an Arsenal fan.

I said it at the time and it warrants mention now - not selling Vardy and Mahrez last summer is going to cost that team millions. A team of their stature needed to use the Porto model for what to do after a surprise competition victory - capitalize on your assets and use the funds earned to plant seeds for

I think the size of the dropoff cannot be wholly attributed to Kante, but certainly he is, IMO the main reason.

He’s not one of the world’s best players. But I guess I appreciate having a statement like that at the beginning of the article, a red flag that clues everyone into the fact that “Hmm, this writer might have no f**ing clue what he’s talking about” and saves everyone the time it’s going to take to wade through the next