I was military police. Pretty much a given that you don't fire at an UNARMED PERSON running AWAY from you with his BACK TOWARDS YOU.
I was military police. Pretty much a given that you don't fire at an UNARMED PERSON running AWAY from you with his BACK TOWARDS YOU.
Lol sure. Stupid statistics and academic studies showing cops kill hundreds of unarmed blacks every year and use deadly/potentially deadly force against THOUSANDS more.
so what's the excuse for him planting a taser? claiming he performed CPR when he didn't? Or are these all holdovers from the fear he was feeling?
This is idiotic. Your point "you don't run away from law enforcement, period" is indicative of the PROBLEM IN THE FIRST GOD DAMN PLACE - that an unarmed man fleeing from a police officer in an empty lot where there is absolutely no threat whatsoever to the police officer, gets murdered in cold blood.
Lulz, yea, not like cops have a statistically proven overall tendency and history of shooting unarmed black men, or lying about it.
Maybe we want our cops to be less shooty.
Well, hey, gotta credit the cop for at least taking out the taser before the murder device. Sorry, "service weapon". The man was clearly not a mortal threat and I doubt much the situation called for 8 bullets to be shot in his direction as the cop is firing as calmly as he would a target at a practice range. Fucked…
The SCOTUS ruled that a police officer can only shoot a fleeing suspect if the said suspect is armed and pose immediate danger to the general public.
So no. Just because you are running, doesn't mean the cops can shoot. Otherwise, shows like "Cops" would be very different. I mean why bother running through hedges when…
The problem is that the worst 10% have guns and are more than willing to use them. Now this asshole was probably in the worst 10% of that 10% (cops who not only feel zero remorse when killing a civilian but concoct a story to justify their murders) what really needs to happen are psych evaluations every 2 years for…
Same. And when this shit happens everyone always wants to make it an isolated incident, individuals caught in a tragic, unfortunate, unique moment. And you know what? It's not an isolated incident. It's never an isolated incident. This shit is systemic and it's horrifying.
Have a few family members who are cops. The discussion we have revolves not around the bad cops, but the cops that turn a blind eye. They can't explain why they should protect a guy like this, but they do. Cops continue to do this because there still is no accountability. How do you reform a behavior without…
Don't worry, black people are just as scared of black cops as white cops, because it's institutional to the profession. Even popular fiction like The Wire CLEARLY shows that. If you don't understand the problem is POLICE on black here, you don't really understand the issue.
......who would most likely be subjected to worse acts of abuse than we could ever imagine if he snitched or went against the grain of his fellow officer(s). You know DAMN WELL, if this wasn't on camera, this police department would have pulled a "well, we're innocent" act. Give me a break.
"if people stopped acting like it was a crime every time cops shoot someone"
Holy Fuck you're right. Maybe he was running towards a loaded cannon. Better put 8 rounds in him just be sure.
Great job of elegantly capturing a sentiment I've had a hard time communicating to friends or family who still do not think this is an issue of utmost importance.
Fuck you, fuck your brother and fuck anyone else who keeps repeating this shit about how "the cop feared for his life."
One thing I found interesting in recent news (and by "interesting" I mean "depressing and soul crushing") is that, while 36 black people were killed last month, officers being killed in the line of duty is at all time low and, according to an NPR report I heard over the weekend, there has been 46+ days without an…