

And...now I know not to read it; thank you, sir.

Additional info, from the Pokemon website: when mega evolved, Venusaur's ability becomes "Thick Fat," which gives it protection against fire and ice moves.When Charizard mega evolves, its special attack stat grows, and its ability changes to "Drought"—which increases fire-type moves. Finally, when Blastoise mega

Thank you. THIS!

THANK YOU! I'm trying to get my bf to see that I'm cool if we get engaged without one (I don't like jewelry anyway).

Oh God, I deal with the same, "my interests are too white" fear too. Video games, manga, computers, and craft beer tasting. I'm BLACK and have one Black friend. *pats lady on shoulder*

...I take it no one watched past the credits did they?

Not liking how they changed Elizabeth's design.

Higher taxes>premiums that put you in bankruptcy. Be fucking grateful.

Oh my God, I love this thread!

Oh God, yes!