
I can’t find the article at the moment, but there was one i read about a woman who had been a pediatric nurse, I believe, who had never used baby powder on herself. She developed ovarian cancer and talc particles were found in/on her ovaries, which was what convinced me to switch to the cornstarch version.

If it was short and brown, it would look a lot better, IMO. She’s not a natural blonde and the color always looks off to me.

And I am aware that Taylor is problematic too before anyone jumps in.

I’m by no means a big Taylor fan but as a pop fan her music works for me in a way that Katy’s never has. Better writers and producers (and I don’t know how much, if any, of her own music Katy writes, but Taylor is a songwriter). Add to that her terrible levels of appropriation (on display left and right with this

I use the cornstarch baby powder. Talc has potential cancer links. But it helps soooooo much. But I still sweat.

Philando’s murder was a tragedy that never should have happened, but it has NOTHING to do with Harteau’s resignation. It happened in a suburb of Minneapolis, NOT actually in Minneapolis and not by the MPD. Jamar Clark’s death is on her hands as that did happen in Minneapolis.

The concessions were actually really decent at Go Fest.

I couldn’t get data service on my phone at all at several points.

The line to get in was still blocks long at 12:30 so we left for an hour. When we got back, there was NO line. We got in immediately and checked in pretty quick. There were still connectivity issues, but then Niantic spread out the radius of the event 2 miles and folks started spreading out. That helped a lot. I

Coldplay were the musicians at the Red Wedding.

I thought the same thing. I hope Jamie because I want Tyrion alive more and I’m not sure she can wear the face of someone who is alive?

Maisie Williams is a huge Ed fan and had expressed desire to work with him. They surprised her with the cameo so they could have a scene together. I’m a huge Ed fan and was still hoping to get to see her butcher him, but I liked the scene as a moment of growth/realization for Arya.

I googled and it says not available in the US

I feel like it’s a common phrase??

Ok, Banksy.

Ummmmm having a tonsillectomy as an adult is INCREDIBLY painful. The people I know who had it done needed some serious pain management.

Let the bears pay the bear tax. I pay the Homer tax.

American Dad is still on but moved to TBS?

It was my favorite when I was 13 and crushing hard on JTT.

I had 2 paragards fail on me 🙃🙃🙃