Oh? What's the book plot?
Oh? What's the book plot?
These books were SO bad. I never knew there was a third one until recently. Not my cuppa tea.
Disagree vehemently.
I had TWO different copper ones fail. After the second abortion, when I went back for my follow up, the nurse looked at my chart and got wide eyed saying, “you’re that girl who had two IUDs fail!” I'm kind of a legend there, I guess. My Mirena has worked perfectly.
I had two different copper IUDs fail on me, each 2 years in. I've got the Mirena now and I love it. It's actually my second as I finished the 5 years with the first and it was time for a replacement. I live in a liberal city with good abortion access and insurance that covered the procedures as well as a supportive…
My sister’s IQ is about 65. She’s very high functioning in some areas, very low in others. She does well enough to live on her own, but just barely. She forgets to take medication, struggles with simple cooking directions, etc. She actually conceived several times but miscarried. I do not believe that her body was…
People have it explained it here. If you aren't getting it, go reread the responses. And this thread clearly calls for more shouting as you're not hearing us.
Also my ex-gf loves when I sat on her face. Didn't do much for me, but I did it sometimes because she was so into the position.
Cis lady. Hate it on top. Love it if I'm on the bottom. Can't get off that way in either case, (but I can orally if I'm not also having to focus on giving)
Ki Hong Lee from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, I believe.
This is why I watch all TV with captions.
Favorite book by chuck.
Not a troll but probably way too late.
So what happens to this drug they own the patent on? Will they have to sell it? Will it still be produced?
**Edited, apparently that was with Turing, not this company? I dunno. Still confused. :P
I liked Louie CK until it came to light that he likes to expose himself (and other things) to female comedians. http://starcasm.net/archives/31846…
It sounds like because he never said, “What Josh did was ok!” he thinks it wasn’t a defense. ugh.
Lots of words have other meanings on other languages. It stands for “before all else”.
That’s the main reason I skipped my 10 year. I saw photos on fb after - there were 2-3 people I would have enjoyed seeing, otherwise everyone I cared about at all I was already connected with on fb. Mostly gone are the days of having no idea what those random classmates are up to...