Actually the reviewer who reviewed this game on ign is great. He just didn’t like the game but his opinion isn’t really invalid or anything due to being a bad writer.
Actually the reviewer who reviewed this game on ign is great. He just didn’t like the game but his opinion isn’t really invalid or anything due to being a bad writer.
The “LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS” in the football locker room was fantastic. Just enough of a reference to catch your eye, but not enough to fully reveal the nature of the commercial as being Pokémon-related.
Calm down there, Satan.
I don’t much care for his work, but I like what I read from this guy.
After the movie comes out, and in the decades that follow, it won’t matter whether it got delayed, it will only matter whether it’s good. So I feel sad to hear that we’ll have to wait a little longer, but I can only guess they are delaying it because the movie needs it.
Hey, some of us live for this nonsense.
If you are picking one of these up for a Wii U - make sure you get a USB 3.0 “Y” cable. The Wii U’s USB ports do not have enough power and require using 2 USB ports (or buy a drive that has a stand alone power supply).
If you are picking one of these up for a Wii U - make sure you get a USB 3.0 “Y” cable. The Wii U’s USB ports do not…
Are you guys working off a flow chart here or something? It’s not a valid point. I wrote about a game that I’ve been playing for several months. One I originally brushed off but then found myself playing all the time. These are the sort of experiences we relay here. It’s what we do.
This sure is a typical BS comment.
I can see the point that young children aren’t necessarily ready to understand that...
A slave who smiles at his child or looks happily at a blue sky is a different thing from “the only thing that put a smile on Hercules’ face was when Lady Washington walked into the kitchen” (approximate quote). The book shows slaves taking pleasure in their masters’ happiness as if that was their purpose in life. It’s…
Ok, so here we have a bunch of awesome redesigns. I particularly love the first Y-Wing and...wait.
He did have his term during the Year of Luigi.
This probably marks the first time anyone has had fun with anything to do with Mario party.
haha, fixed!
Such a good time to use #FeelTheBern and you didn’t go for it!
Damnit, that’s going to get a million stars. FML