
also. if you never tell someone (or at least try to guide them), they’re just going to keep running around inflicting this ick on others and wondering why they can’t get anyone’s clothes off.

example : lax bros who’re offended you won’t sleep with them bc they thought they were doing you a favour going out with you in the first place.

If you haven’t read it already, I highly recommend “Lies My Teacher Told Me” by James Loewen. It holds no punches when it comes to tearing apart the crap job that US history textbooks do.

Actually being trans is not considered to be something that involves dysmorphia, but rather dysphoria.

Bear fucker! Do you need assistance?

I get the joke. It’s not funny, but I get it.

it’s locally owned, and they charge five pounds for a bowl of fucking cereal. the place is pretty much a figurehead for bullshit. at least most poor people can afford subway and might even get some nutrition out of the meal

Dollars to donuts, those aren’t local residents.

Well, obviously launching a physical assault on any business is not constructive, but I think the resentment long time residents might feel about a place that is clearly intended to serve the people pricing them out of their homes is understandable and not entirely unfair, independently owned or not. Those businesses

That’s actually really weird. I didn’t even look at her crotch until it was pointed out as the problem with the photo. Eyes are clearly drawn to the right of the frame.

She a boss. She’s pretty as fuck. Bad as shit. Ambitious. What else do you want?

Well, I know it’s easy to be cynical but I’m rooting for these two crazy kids.

Miley Cyrus has violated the eyes of so many people, that this is by comparison a soothing eye rinse.

My FAVORITE story is about how Dan Savage once interviewed a man who married his horse. He politely and respectfully interviewed this guy, asked about the details of how their “marriage” worked, whether the horse could consent to sex (apparently, if a powerful, thousand-pound animal is within kicking distance and

And it’s a shame the vast majority of them vote strictly along capitalist lines, assuming correctly that most of the time any socially conservative roadblocks will be something they can pay their way out of. Fuck them.

dad made me a big mug of instant coffee—not the crappy kind, but Taster’s Choice, which he considers the good stuff

Kate Beaton is a goddamned INTERnational treasure! I like the cut of her jib!

Same! Foot cramps are intensely painful though, and a total mood killer!

I’m old enough to have actually sent dead tree letters to love interests, but for better or worse have to acknowledge that lots of serious, real-life stuff now goes down via text.

Agreed. I had a guy on OKC ask me if I was “shy” I said “No” ...and automatically he starts asking me what I like in bed, I told him I wouldn’t have that convo with him and his response was “I thought you said you weren’t shy”