
Dontcha just love when a woman tells you how much she hates and “just doesn’t get along with” other women? And if you mention, hey newsflash we are women, they make up some kind of exceptionalist bullshit. “Oh well YOU are different/You don’t cause drama/You aren’t crazy/ WE aren’t idiots like other women.” On the one

When I heard about the recent sexism lawsuit at AutoZone, I was that person who wrote AutoZone to let them know that I’m a woman who works on cars and I will never shop there again.

Don’t ignore it. Call her on it. If she’s got kids or going to have kids, she’s spreading that toxic shit onto them.

YEP. “For men? Why is that for men? What happens when it’s something you actually want to do? Still going to let somebody’s archaic gender definitions and inherent sexism dictate your life choices?”

I have a relative who says she hates other women because they are all (shallow, vapid, unintelligent, insert stereotype here). She says she thinks like a man. I (and other family members) have tried to explain to her why that’s faulty logic (she likes us, for example, and we are not vapid or unintelligent women) but

I did this recently with some old acquaintances who were talking about the Patrick Kane rape case. I was like, “Uh, if I single, near a hockey star like him, and the moment presented itself, I would have gone home with him. I wouldn’t have expected to get raped”. Someone I don’t really know that well, said, “But

I tried it once a few years back. Some woman in my book club turned out to be a raging anti-choice, anti-gay asshat. Oh, and anti-birth control. Leave it up to God! But I was all, well - it’s book club and maybe it’s good to have different views and maybe something I say will give her pause to think.

My sister, who is my best friend, pretty much hates all women in general. TOTALLY hates feminists. She respects my choice to think what I want and be who I want and I guess I do the same... Mostly I ignore the fuck out of that part of her. when she calls random lady folk sluts? Ignoreeee. When she talks about how she

If you want to get married, it’s probably best (or at least more pragmatic) to look and act a certain way (that I think involves a handjob motion) if you’d like to signal worthiness to all the men in a one-mile radius. Is acknowledging this sexist or practical?

I stop being friends with them. And now, in my 27th year, I have thinned out my friend ranks because it’s not my job to educate or enlighten or try to change people’s minds. There’s no way in hell I can act civilly with the lady I went to high school with who’s intensely pro-birth/anti-choice. I don’t have the drive

Personally, my reaction is “OMG THAT IS THE STUPIDEST THING I’VE EVER HEARD YOU SAY!” then laugh obnoxiously loud for a good minute to make the shame really sink in, then lecture about why they are so wrong and stupid.

Few things piss me off more than sexist women. It hurts so much more when it’s a woman who slut- or bodyshames, or sees men as superior or feels like women should adhere to patriarchical standards.

Now I’m a bit worried that the barista is going to get some blowback on this. I mean they used a fake name, but if Starbucks can track down the jerkface customer, it’s a short hop to figure out who the server is. I’d rather not see them get fired because some corporate tool doesn’t like it when the wage slaves vent

Leave me alone, mom! It’s so early. I don’t WANNA go to school.

This is unkind. I agree that she knows her strengths, but there many educated people who do not excel at public speaking, and it would be difficult for anyone to be as good at giving an interview as she is at performing, so her statements may simply suffer by comparison.

Ignore the haters

there is something sort of fascinating about how Beyonce never does interviews. she has such an immaculately perfect #brand, and we really don’t know anything about her other than her music. the only time she let us in was that weird documentary she made about herself.

Science is different than you probably imagine it to work. I also haven’t read the study, and I don’t exactly trust or expect Gawker media to handle explaining the methods and data analyses in their full depth. Media often represents these studies as if they’ve answered a question definitively, when this probably is a

I am at a point in my life where I find sex scenes in shows so incredibly boring. I get it. You had sex. I don’t need to watch 4 minutes of it. Continue with the story please.

she told Glamour that Julie Bowen knew and was very supportive of her decision.