thank you for this. Great commentary on how lost these guys are that they don't see how women are really treated in the world.
thank you for this. Great commentary on how lost these guys are that they don't see how women are really treated in the world.
thanks for writing this I didn't know much of this and am glad to know now! And I never discount "natural" treatments. Whatever works!
obviously you don't listen to rap because if you did you would hear it said many, many times from people who come from there.
Thank you for posting this, this woman is so, so right, and its terrifying.
oh my goodness, this!!!! The comments here are so frustrating because they don't understand this!!!
thank you for this picture, I would have never found it on my own and I am not a fan of any of them but this picture is still amazing.
Yoko Ono has already written that song (it is also titled Why and thats all she sings in the song). hahaha (unless thats what you are referencing!)
Tracy! Are you part of CFWC? I literally read about this there yesterday and that's too much of a coincidence!
well part of it is
this article is cissexist come on this is a feminist site I hold you folks to higher standards!
you can go to reddit r/letsnotmeet they have lots there or to r/nosleep !
Damn and I really thought Drake was over this kind of stuff. I thought it was a phase. Also, it doesn't make any sense that he sings/raps about wanting to settle down with someone yet turns around and says that he hates when they get too attached, etc?? You can't be both people at once Drake! You can't both demand…
Uhhhh. you can't comparing living and dying to something you can control aka shaving your legs. Just stop doing it. I have stopped controlling my body hair, its not a life and death thing. People will judge you; challenge that, challenge why that is. Thats just the point I was trying to make. But its my opinion, and I…
Yes, I have faced that as well. Its very jarring.
Uhhh i don't know what to tell you. I agree with the article.But i think that women not doing what the status quo wants can help women personally (because its dumb that people care about body hair). But thats just my opinion. And I dont shave my face or armpits or legs and yeah, it makes date night more interesting,…
I think that this made a lot of good points that I never would have thought of. But there is a point to be made that if every single woman refused to shave their legs or do their eyebrows people would notice. There would be changes if we all said fuck you to anyone who had women groom themselves in a different way…
Well, I am mexican, I only watched mexican tv and mostly novellas. So not really haha
if anything, this was taken before the nudes leaked, remember that.
I went through 18 years not knowing there was different ways to cook eggs. I never went out and my mom only made them one way, always. I can see how he wouldn't know. (I am 20 now and have a learned a lot haha).
I really like this song, to the point I gotta find a way to download it, but its sad that the humor comes from the fact that there is thousands of guys out there who don't share these values :/