
The guys installing WiFi at my work were supposed to have it wrapped up in about 3 days, but it's almost been a month and they're still there.

There's no strong consensus on the debate. If you want to watch both, though, I would watch the former first, because the animation is Brotherhood is a lot more attractive. The plots and characters are pretty different. Brotherhood develops an ensemble better and the pacing is good, but at the cost of deeper character

I'm a janitor at a T-Mobile call center. I mostly clean bathrooms, which is nice because I can listen to podcasts.

I'm assuming that they mean shave him, stab him, leave, then he resurrects and kills them.

I don't really care for Radiohead's pre-OK Computer output, but Fake Plastic Watches is a pretty good song.

You have to live in Missouri to get it. It's a pretty nice experience generally.

So many blue collar people call each other "brother" as a matter of course. It feels tantalizingly close to "comrade". Also, I worked from 9 friday night to 4 pm saturday so I could go do Halloween stuff, and by that I mean get trashed on Ukrainian herbal moonshine.

There is that bit in Acts where Peter sees all of creation lowered on a blanket and God is like "Whatever, I don't even care anymore."

I was thinking about Light's watch from Death Note.

I work 13 hour Saturdays every weekend, so it takes me a bit to catch up.

What the fuck did you just jack about me you little juice?

I feel like we're overusing "y'all" and we should pepper in "yinz" and maybe a few "youse" for good measure.

That blackout made me so mad. The story was approaching something interesting and then, poof, everything is fine.

U Typing U2 2 Me?

Why would you put yourself through that?

The Bugle, though it's been updating veeery infrequently since John Oliver started his show, and Harmontown.

I've been listening to Janet Varney's podcast to fill that space.

ch? sin? p D'eta?

I really loved it. It was just stupid enough to be enjoyable, but not so much as to anger me.

That one and Ben Schwartz as Roald Dahl where he finds out that Dahl was anti-semitic halfway through are my favorites.