
It's pretty excellent overall.

If they're so smart, how come they're dead?

It's been such a staple of the show's symbolism, though. Even if it doesn't end like that, it'll probably be addressed.

I have an unfortunate medical condition that prevents me from crushing it.

He's the Jim Belushi of Spider-Man directors.

"The girl I kind of like is being lax about safety."

I secretly suspect he's going to play Captain America.

In season 8, when Dan gets fired again and they re-retcon how the group formed, Jeff will save everybody from bench presses.

Why did Frankie let this happen in the first place?

Bush didn't apologize for winning in 2000 and neither will I.

Vigilante justice.

Mine, duh.

James Spader is the perfect seemingly threatening but ultimately very easily surmountable antagonist.

You have to admire the the ability to persevere here.

Local reporter suffers writer's block.

You have a sweet mustache?

Except for Glen Bishop, of course.

It has J.W. Stillwater, what else could it be?

It was bugging me who that was.