
I spell Oscar with a 'qu'.

Some of your Kanye opinions are borderline sacrilegious.

And The Mist.

Shaun of the Dead?

I want to see Jupiter Ascending, but I'm worried I'll be lost since I haven't seen Mercury through Mars Ascending.

Where's Gino?

You're a stickler for train punctuality?

I saw the best boards of my generation destroyed by Disqus.

I saw it, but assumed it had to have been posted weeks ago.

The Devil's Advocate reunion everyone is clamoring for.

It's getting a sequel.

Replace 'accidentally' with 'repeatedly', and replace 'dog' with 'son'.

I was just commenting on the small irony, I certainly don't begrudge anyone a list.

Isn't it a bit early to have a best of the decade list?

I've been hella high for the past week.

House of Yes holds up.

It makes for good art.

Is it because you were bitten by a radioactive Nathan Fillion and are turning into him?

Stan Lee is in the second Princess Diaries movie doing a terrible accent. This means that Genovia is possibly canon in the MCU.

I don't know what you did to invoke this, but if it haunts the board, we are going to have to sacrifice you.