Crazy Uncle Nikola

Just finished the mission and did not get the sword. Bummer. 

Batman was in X-Men?

This basically is a reminder that Captain Marvel is trying to be Terminator 2 only with aliens instead of robots.

You see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps?

I take your statement and raise you a “yippee ki yay mister falcon

I’ve been to Power Morphicons and spoken to people who worked on the show, plus read a bunch of material. The Franco bit came from the casting director. 

The Major’s body in Ghost in the Shell wasn’t Japanese anyway.

Get over it already

This is a pretty solid idea from MS. They’re never going to be on the same level as Nintendo and Sony from just a console hardware perspective because 1) their first party IPs are not nearly as strong and 2) they don’t have the support of the Japanese market. However, if they can continue to give gamers more and more

LOL. If you looks closely, he shoots a web right after they get sent off and you’ll see them attached to buildings next to the one you’re on.

Yup.. its a useful stand in for lawlessness in the common imagination but there were absolutely gun control laws in effect back in the day. 

You forgot more prayer.

The Last of Us comes to mind as one of the best games that is not fun to play. I mean it’s mechanically satisfying, sure, but the presentation is so brutal that only the most sadistic out of us would get a kick out of it.

I, too, came here to say that.

In my opinion, there is no “the answer.” It’s a multi faceted issue which needs solutions to each facet. This helps with the portion of the problem that lies in young girls being told this field is not for them.

That was unnecessary. This isn't a thesis or resource paper, so calm down. You don't know what the circumstances are. Humble yourself. It's a great article regardless, and I enjoyed it, Meredith. (I know I'm a couple years late, although Catching Fire DVD just came out, so not completely irrelevant.) Lol

The look can be done right in certain cases, but the Batman cover isn't one of them.

1. Cloris Leachman
3. (since apparently we're skipping numbers we don't like) Bev Harris

37 Sassy TV Grandmas Who Could Beat Up Ryan Gosling In Drive

I really think you have to consider how much QA already goes on in any AAA title.