Crazy Uncle Nikola

Just go for easy targets like Jerry Seinfeld and Gilbert Gottfried

He seems pretty spry too.

I got an Idea. Tag Team.

By that definition GTA online would be considered an MMO.

Who was expecting these Todd already said not to expect SF and ESVI and the next Fallout game is years away

I guess you missed the part where Todd Howard mentioned at PAX East that they werent going to be at E3

Fallout 76 isnt really an MMO plus its a separate mode

Actually Pepsi tends to win in blind taste tests. Coca Cola tends to attract brand loyalty combined with stronger marketing. With Coke people are buying the brand not the product and Coca Cola has been very good at selling you their brand

Im not talking about this gen Im talking about in general and in the long run. Why would I be talking about this gen. The Op was talking about Scarlet vs PS5. 

I think it really comes down to features at least during the first year. The PS4 sold better out the gate because Microsoft badly botched their unveiling and then continued to sell because of their library. I feel that Its a Tortoise and the Hare and Sony may be the Hare . They took a huge lead but I see nothing from

Forza Horizon 3 had Hot Wheels and Geers POP Vinyl mobile was unveiled last year if Im not mistaken. If They jumped the shark it wasn’t this year. 

They have 8 new studios to make games. I think there will be games.

I would say they more or less did that last year but this year we see more of the direct result of stuff they talked about last year.

Ive thought she’s gotten a lot better. I heard it a lot in season 2, but dont really notice if she’s still doing it.

Its been said for awhile that Reeves might be too old (mid fifties now). That said John Cho is only about 8 years younger.

I dont really see a Gold Rush set AC game as a western. A late 1800s Arizona might be better for that sort of thing. California wasnt as nearly “uncivilized” due to heavy Spanish settlment earlier. I see it being closer to maybe Assassins Creed III with maybe a hunting and trading mechanic. 

My money is on Rome. 

They kinda went as far away from ancient Egypt as you possibly can go with an ancient Egypt setting. The great pyramids were more ancient then, then the setting of Origins is to us. The only reason they chose that oeriod was there were no really big cities aside from Alexandria which was not around in Ancient Ancient

Theyhad to modify Creation pretty heavily since its a Single player engine.

It takes an ungodly ammount of time to get all the perks in Fallout 4. I probably put in a near 1000 hours into My unmodded save in Fallout 4 and didnt even get close. Probably not even half.