Crazy Uncle Nikola

There was a third batch of planned footage that would have used new zords based off the designs of the Dinozords which is why the thunderzords were said to be upgraded versions of them because they literaly had planned to do that.

More like 120 maybe a little more.

Don’t see the Wii mini

Didnt find it that bad.

I highly doubt that. Its been two years. I doubt they have been sitting on them.


Started skimming the article without seeing who wrote it. Such juvenile wining, I told myself ‘betcha Patricia wrote it’. I was right.

These same people claimed that it was being held for paid DLC despite it being said there were issues in development leading them to be cut, along with basements which people also claimed was being held for paid DLC. They still claimed this when basements were patched in, claming that people complained enough.

Frankly if a characters race isnt important to their characterization or story, its not whitewashing. Casting say Emma Stone as Mulan would be an example of whitewashing.

Rebels pretty much states that the Y wings were stolen. One of the episodes has them stealing them. The Hammerhead seen in RO was stolen too.

Its not that the suits look bad it’s that they look poor in toy form due to being overdetailed. Making an affordable toy version of that is asking for it.

Kyoryuger had 10 and only two women. 11 or 12 depending on how you want to classify Deathyuger and KyoryuNavy, The former being a monster only appearing in a movie and the latter being a redesigned version of Deathyger only being part of a DVD special and only being part of a team of 6.

That was the directors take, I dont think BoA had any influence on the design. The over designed nature actually makes the toys worse because they cant show the level of detail and be as affordable.

100 million was way too high. Nintendo only shipped 10 million. Assuming all those copies sold every on of them would have to have registered 10 pokemon. On top of that only copies that were registered with Game sync would count. I would say thats less than half. Probably less than a quarter.

Hardly any of the cards have any value even the rarer ones. its extremely rare promo cards that value. Heck any toy made in the last 30 years has little value outside outside of promotial items from contests. Go on ebay. You can probably find any toy made in the 80s or 90s complete in the box for around 2-$300

Its an extremely rare card. You might have had a better shot of finding Jimmy Hoffa’s remains in there.

plus that one was a lot smaller about 6 inches. this one is I think 10 or 12

much more articulaition plus Die cast. the Legacy Megazord released a few years ago was just a diecast version of the 2010 with a new pain job and sold $80. that had very little articulation.

Amazon has it for preorder. Preorder price guarentee means you will never pay more than you preordered it. If they drop the price you pay the lowest. This only applies from the preorder date.

Yes, its a mod