Crazy Uncle Nikola

How is that expensive? This is 2016. Toy prices have changed over the years. Seems fairly priced to me.

Its not

Yes, its just an add on to make it seem cool.

I can’t star this comment enough.

More than one type of bird Pokemon. Not sure where they got that idea, its not like it doesnt exist in real life.

How are these not new ideas?

It's like they are trying something new and not rehashing the same stuff over and over.

That’s how little I care. I spent the bare minimum writing my response on my phone, for a gaming website. I’m not writing a novel. To be honest though, even I find it a pain to read.

I’deducate you on how wrong you are, I just dont care enough to spend 10 minutes formulating a response, using my own poorly educated assumptions and some hasty, poorly done fact checking. In the ebd I will have formly inserted my foot into my mouth.

I remember not that long ago, Kotaku was accused of being Nintendo Gloom and Doom.

Of course since we are making generalizations about console gamers, you don’t expect me to counter with ones about PC gamers.

If you have the legendary edition on steam you get the update for free

If you know anything about how GGS operates youd know ES VI is at least a few years away. The team just finished Fallout 4. They dont currently have the resources to do anything but plan ESVI. Full development shoukd start next year and last at least a couple years With the opening of BGS montreal hopefully the gaps

Mods have been around for more than 7+ years. Of course you wouldnt see anything like it. Of course that first week is going to be like that. You expected it to be a walk in the park. PC gamers are too used to being catered to and that goes back far longer than you’ve been modding. PC gamers are absolutly spoiled,

PC gamers are so used to it, it only sees like entitlement.

There is a mod for that though.

No. Mod tools for PC were added a few months after the game came out. There was a Legendary edition released that was essentially a Goty edition and a Compilation collection of all the elder scrolls games for PC. In both cases the game was unchanged. Fallout 4 is the first game from Bethesda to support mods on

Wow I just found the movie link for the number 1 hit movie.”Another Settlement Needs Your Help” Starring Preston Garvey.

Another stupid gimmick. As far as stupid gimmicks go this may be the best fucking one yet.

The latter. Doesn’t even sound much like him.