Crazy Uncle Nikola

The point of it was to have asymetrical gameplay a feature that wasnt even close to fuffiling its potential not being able to play in another room. In fact I think it was iwata who straigt out said ot didnt have good range to do something like that when he was asked prior to release.

In voice acting in general most of the most succesfull can do more than 2-3 voices. The problem with Video games very few animation voice actors also do video games or at least not prolificaly. Also you have guys like North and others that strictly do Videogames leading to the majority of VG voices to be voiced by VG

Rules of the internet. If it exists it exists in dildo form as well.

Rockband has 4th game coming out.

Think of it like Rockband. not everybody will buy every track just the ones they want.
Something like Forze has millions of users so they can afford to sell their packs much cheaper. I imagine the same licensing costs apply for using real trains but with less people buying them.

Rockband is probably a better comparison

In addition to what Marthian said this is an extremely niche game.

They are referring to Model trains not actual trains. Train Simulator is a virtual Train simulator not a model train simulator an actual train simulator. Model trains is just a better comparison because that’s the point of the Model trains to pretend they are real. The game itself is actually simulating the trains.

To be fair it’s a very niche game marketed at hardcore Train Enthusiasts. Also most of it is from all the previous games which carry over to the new game even if you bought it. so you don’t have to rebuy it. if you look at the actual sets only the most hardcore train fans are going to be buying these. If anything I’d

The justification for all the DLC is that the game has a niche market so the revenue is made up mostly from add ons. I wouldn’t be surprised if very few people actually bought significant DLC in this game.
Plus the headline is a little deceptive it’s $3000+ worth of DLC

Kamen Rider Rice.

The birthrate in Japan is quite low. I believe less than 2 children per couple on average which in longrun isnt good for mainting the same population numbers.

I highly doubt it. It’s there to ensure that the levels are actually possible to beat and would prevent broken, poorly designed, unfinished1 levels that can’t be beaten from being uploaded

Just got 3.0 is there any reason to get the previous disks. I know older figures are compatible but is there anything in these older games that I cant do in the new ones.

Im not.

I played Tiny Tower without spending a dime and got enough Towerbux to get the best elevator but thats more the exception than the rule.

Its a bit suspicious that they have this information.

Its rate though. Ive probably opened close to 40 lunchboxes ( most of them bought and havnt gotten a single one.

Ive gotten decent stuff from objective lunchboxes. As far as I can tell they are the same as the ones you can buy. You just have seemingly better odds when you buy them in bulk but not really.

Stimpacks you can give them up to 25. Also some good weapons. You wont be able to do much at first try raising their S.P.E.C.I.A.L. using training rooms.