
I STILL play Rogue Leader every now and then. It’s just a damned fun game

As a 20 year Chicago resident I can honestly say, “Meh.”

It would be difficult to agree more. Love the hell out of that movie.

Good lord I used to love those. How many drunken nights, stumbling back towards the US in Tiajauna was that my ‘last thing to grab’ before getting in line at the border?


Thanks Obama

Yes! I would pay $400 for this if it was the only thing coming out. This alone makes it worth t to me.

I’ve been hoping for a cell shaded Batman game for a while now. I only hope we can get some more traditional skins. I’d love to be able to play using a Brian Bolland style costume or something along those lines. I realize it’s ‘realism’ and all that, but I never liked the armored Batman look

I think watching it now, as an adult who knows it’s going to be bad is nowhere nears as horrible as being a 10 year old kid excited as all HELL that there’s going to be some Star Wars on TV. Waiting... waiting... drooling over the cover of TV Guide. Only then seeing the indescribable nightmare that is a Bea Arthur and

In my day we had one proceduraly generated planet and we LIKED IT!

A lot of oddly displaced hate for something that hasn’t even been finished yet. For all I know the player limit is going to suck. Perhaps someone realized letting everyone go nuts turns the game into herding cats and correctly decided to limit players and throw in bots. I have no idea. It’s going to come out in

Got to play it this weekend. Visually beautiful, but $12 a play (and a play is over when you finish a level, live or die) it’s not really worth it. Visually, it’s great but I made the mistake of playing during the day, and the fact that it’s projection made the image a bit faint. Plus, it’s totally on rails. I think

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and Return of the Killer Tomatoes were both filmed in San Diego, CA