
I still find it hard to believe they honestly thought it was worth going all-out on a CF tub, manual steering, raw experience... and then turned around and opted to provide neither gear lever nor clutch pedal. Baffling. Why buy a 4C when an Exige is cheaper?

Yo, Cort. Thanks for giving my kallikanzaros a hand. We humans appreciate it. Peace.

I have plenty of time to read about cars and also Snapchat pictures of my genitals while wearing funny glasses.

Resource management is unavoidable complexity. Most modern programming languages don’t even try to solve that problem at all. Tuning high-performance applications, for example, usually involves endlessly wrestling the GC, minimizing object lifespans, optimizing work done between context switches, sharing/reusing

I don’t know as this is actually consistent with his recent behavior, so I have to treat this either as sarcasm or as an anomaly.

Um, they’re Targaryens. Why would them being aunt-nephew cause any problems with developing romance?

Tesla hasn’t been in the sports car business since the Roadster, which sometimes it seems like they’d rather we forget.

Would you stand next to a lifted SUV and discharge a firearm into a tire at close range?

She’s at the bottom of the ergonomic design range. Five feet is very short for an American woman. It’s difficult enough to set up a workstation properly for a single office worker. Imagine how irritating it is for interior designers to account for many possible buyers with vast differences in various body-size

Caught in the open, I’ve had to (briefly) drive through far worse. Turning is out of the question at speed. I’m amazed they tried.

BMW’s marketing team put this together.

It’s inevitable, now. If McLaren doesn’t commit with this car, they’ll do it with a later car. The ICE in roadgoing passenger vehicles will be dead. “Sound” and “feel” and other such attributes will not be meaningful to future cars, and is that any surprise? Most drivers prefer less sound, anyway. They don’t want

I agree on both points. The FT-1 design looks great, and that Hayek scene made a lasting impression on a younger me. Not the foot part, though. That was all Tarantino.

What does Hitler have to do with Volkswagen? There’s no relationship whatsoever.

What? Why not a Camry? That’s just as bizarrely irrational as mocking those who identify safety as a purchasing criterion. Either you want the baby practicality, or you don’t. Get over it.

Words words words. It’s still ugly. I don’t know how Porsche pulled it off, given that their design language ain’t broke, but daaaaamn.

No dealers. No lowballers. I know what I have!

The scary part is that these celebrities only exist because huge masses of humans like to read/watch news about them.

Giving it 4 doors is the problem. It would be so much better as a 2+2 with better proportions while still providing two useful back seats. However, it’s meant to be a competitive in a decidedly non-sporting segment, so that won’t happen.

But... they do mean something. Not everything, but something.