
It comes down to what you believe the real differences between animals and people are. It's similar to the question of when a fetus becomes a human being. At what point in an organisms development do we consider it worthy of gaining the rights we believe are inalienable to sentient life.

It's a good base but you can definitely find better deals on comparable components if you snoop around a bit.

Yeah I wouldn't say it's reserved for females. Rude, condescending, racist, and sexist slurs are pretty much the name of the game in MWF chat regardless of gender.

Unlike traditional sports... Put ball in hoop. Put ball in net. Run ball down field. Punch guy in face.

I just stared at that video slack jawed. This is why I prefer BF3 to COD.

Laws are great starting points for a society. We should have a framework that everyone understands so that we can all generally stay on the same page. But laws should be flexible enough to take in to consideration that life is rarely ever black and white.

What are you, 5 years old?

I'm pretty sure my VW R32 can handle 75mph, thanks.

Because a human being can make the decision whether or not to ticket someone. If I'm on a road where the traffic is light and every is traveling 70-75mph in a 65, I don't need a machine to ticket every one of those people because they are traveling over a programmed limit.

Maybe because I don't want an ever present nanny state watching over my every move. If you want to catch me speeding, pay a highway patrol man to sit out there and try to do so.

Now all restaurants are Taco Bell. Enjoy learning how to use the three sea shells. I'll be in the sewers with the rat burgers.

Mmmm, I can smell the cancer.

Yeah iPhones hot, but Android has a great personality.

I get tired of the constant complaining over the tiniest flaws in the new hardware and software that get's featured on Giz... but I can't agree more with this post.

You're doing it wrong!

And just to be fair... facebook isn't an modern amalgamation. It's the name for the book that universities pass out unofficial yearbooks at the beginning of the academic year with the names and pictures of students and faculty.

It's a question, its a comment. It's a question, it's a comment, it's a quement!

And for you too.

Does it come swaddled in a bear skin rug? If so, it's a date.

LC 475