
Interesting. I thought it might be new because I've been using netflix since 2009 and I just noticed the warnings after the latest Xbox firmware update. Apparently I'm just not that observant.

Has anyone noticed that certain TV series now have an "available until certain date" notice next to them? What's the deal with that? Are they going to start pulling content because of contractual obligations or something like that?

I almost bought a set of those at DEFCON... but then I realized I didn't really need to get in to anything I couldn't pick the hard way so I saved my monies.

Anyone who says engineering is a waste of time is a moron... and that's coming from a creative writing major.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Look over here! You're about to hit this thing over here!

There were multiple endings?? I totally missed that. Guess I need another play through.

It slipped under a lot of peoples radars but I think if this second game is better marketed, you'll see a lot of people going back to play the first one.

The first game was one of my favorites in recent years. The only bug that really got on my nerves was the enemy AI presence detection. You could be 50 meters away in pitch blackness and out of nowhere they'd be alerted to your position. I loved how difficult it was though, you really had to pick your battles.

Yeah you're constantly looking down and right because of the changing speed indicator. Also having advertising on your windshield is an AWFUL idea. This space needs to be for vital information only.

+1 for you good sir.

Tah tah tah TURBO ENGINE!

The best stuff we ever used in the field was called Combat Gauze made by QuikClot. It didn't heat up like the chitosan based powders. The powders worked but only in an aid-station setting where you didn't have wind blowing... imagine getting that stuff in your eyes, yeah burning.

Yes it can if you apply constant pressure to the wound after you poured the powder on. It also depends on what kind of injury you're looking at. A small caliber bullet is a totally different story than a shredded piece of metal shrapnel from a bomb bast. If you're talking about a femoral bleed, regardless of what

Do it brother. I'm working on a book that is the collection of all my journal entries from my time overseas. Regardless of whether or not it ever gets published, it's a great piece of family history that those who know you will undoubtedly be interested in reading.

I second this 100%. Having access to the internet was what got me through my two tours in Iraq. It was the life line that kept me sane when I was deployed mid tour to replace the medic who had been with my platoon for the last year... I had zero friends, everyone treated me like a piece of shit and on top of that I

Holy shit I was kidding haha. I hope you weren't cruising through anywhere that was actually dangerous ;)

You'll learn a lot about yourself and how the world works for sure... and you probably won't see any combat unless you go airborne or infantry. I was a medic in the 82nd ABN and did two combat tours in Iraq. It will change you, but hopefully in a good way if you pay attention and don't make excuses for yourself.

1:01 - This video is teaching our young soldiers how to flag their buddies. ;)

It didn't help me. How you fight a real war is nothing like how you fight in a video game. The only way to really learn is to listen to the people with real experience, then experience it yourself.