
@FlvAvi: Or that they take the information that is gained from this kind of study and then twist it's meaning to meet their end. The whole correlation and causation dynamic is a fun gray area for lobbyists to manipulate.

@FlvAvi: You pretty much posted the exact thing I was thinking as soon as I read the headline of this article. Just like most people can play games, drink, and smoke a J once in a while and still carry on healthy happy lives. It generally isn't the substance that causes people problems, but rather a predication for

@LoungeLizard: Yes, to the blame board! Lets see... video games, comic books, violent movies, the tea party. I think we have all the right ingredients for a tasty little scapegoat.

We should probably draft up some more laws and restrictions. That should fix things up.

@wu-stix: It isn't conclusive. He's attacked in his escape pod but it doesn't prove that he was killed.

@Spaceboy: Yeah the NG is a totally different beast than what I was involved with but some advice I can give you is true of all military service so here goes.

@SkyBlu: Progress is a tricky blanket for Iraq at this point. Really depends on where you are and who you talk to as to wether anyone feels their quality of life has improved because of our involvement.

@Darksider1972: Shoot, I should start all of my boring drive through Baghdad videos. I did have a great one during the Ashura celebration where a Iraqi soldier puts his fingers to his mouth like a V and starts licking between them as we drive by. Classic :D

@SkyBlu: Fake? That's me. The one with the m4, not the one in the dress.

@blaaps: We need more movie grain on this asap.

@PajamaSam: Nice. I was a medic on a sniper team in the 82nd Airborne. Glad he's coming home soon.

Look we're having a grand ol' time in Baghdad. Don't believe all those scary news reports.

@PajamaSam: All depends on where you are and what your MOS is.

Those games aren't set in todays Baghdad. I've got videos from 2007 that paint a different picture.

Two Face dresses to the left I see.

Hyper extended knees?? I'll be skipping this one me thinks.

@t88: What's even better than this video are the comments on youtube.

Waited for pay off... still waiting.