Given that we’re supposed to all be ok with 2 men kissing what’s the big deal?
Given that we’re supposed to all be ok with 2 men kissing what’s the big deal?
Presidents don’t typically order missions. Missions are traditionally brought to presidents or secretaries for approval and they typically grant them given that Intel and Military tends to know what they are doing.
Maybe I’m just naive but does it matter where the first lady lives? I certainly don’t give that much of a shit where she resides.
Speaking of the Wizards...they’re managing quite nicely with a crappy ass bench. Brooks and a little good health have been such boons to that team.
Not a Trump supporter but as an IT security consultant for the Fed I understood the outrage against Hillary (really her staff). Her private server was not certified and accredited by State IT to include the ability to recover deleted items and monitor transmissions.
Everyone deserves our sympathy and empathy.
By all means please never visit. The mormons are oppressive. The beer and food suck. The skiing is terrible.
I’m a jew. I do not like this man.
The Clio award is far inferior to the Clit award.
Ban away. Nothing says I can handle interaction with other people like asking to ban commenters who have disagreeing points of view!
I know there are stereotypes involved and all but maybe it’s time people stopped being offended about food. Might help us all move on.
I concur. We should totally respect Manning’s right to cut off his genitals, pump chemicals into himself, slap on makeup, maybe implant silicone, and call himself a woman.
Condoms are still pretty cheap. So is anal. Just saying...there are options.
It’s actually called Stormfront. Just saying.
What’s that blog about Unapologetic whiteness called?
I contract to DOE and do NNSA specific IT work. For what it’s worth (likely little here) the heads of NNSA don’t really do much besides oversee the operation and attend functions. Like all agencies the key to keeping it running smoothly are the rank and file as well as first line management.
I don’t think lots of Trump voters are allowed to post here.
Angry people get angry about thing. Shocker.
Good run BJs...lots of fun to watch. Caps appear to be awake now and are insanely good. Pitt and NY are also quite good. This is a hell of a division and this season is a good one.
Alternatively, you could just be nice to them and hope they’re nice back. That’s what normal people do.