
Bye Gearbox. Hopefully your games will quit sucking when your taxes are higher. Texas is just standing up for science and womens’ rights to compete fairly.

It took me forever to beat the Mantis Lords. I’d watch some boss fights on youtube until you figure out their patterns. As if the fight isn’t hard enough, the fight is pretty far from a checkpoint, and the enemies in between are a bit tricky.

So, what if the person actually has a poor memory and relays events inaccurately or completely forgets the way they flipped out in a certain scenario? This isn’t a hypothetical question, it’s someone I know, and the flip-outs weren’t against me. I’m just a guy that likes to work with honest and accurate information.

I’m so glad we have detectives solving crimes and not woke people who can’t look at evidence objectively.

I’m from Taiwan, and yes, and people who lack critical thinking skills do conflate being anti-Chinese Government with being anti-Chinese or anti-Asian, but a majority of my countrymen who consider themselves Chinese would agree with you.
There are, however, a lot of idiots here in America who just think because someone

I’m sure there’s plenty of racists out there, but being from Taiwan I’d like to point out that we shouldn’t conflate anti-China sentiment with anti-Asian sentiment. There are plenty of reasons to be cautious and critical of China.

I don’t understand either. Not apologizing in advance, I’ll be my own person with my own opinion, and that opinion is that if they’re trying to make her look like a younger version of a character, then do what you can to make her look like a younger version of the character. If the character has a hook nose, then give

I like how she denigrates Lincoln by using a statement he made in a debate early in his career. I guess we can just ignore that Lincoln was one of 360,000 Americans that died in the fight against slavery because of one old statement he made when he was being attacked in a debate. Not sure how our schools focusing on

You know that these attributes aren’t isolated to white culture, don’t you? They existed in Asia looooooong before white people showed up. Ignorant ass graphic.

Note that Naughty Dog did not receive “Best managed video game company award.” If it did, then your article would make sense.

As for an award for the direction of the game, a video game director is a person who determines the creative vision and has complete artistic control of the project. This is an award they likely

My wife doesn’t game much, but for some reason she really took to Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance. We co-op battled through the entire game up until the second-to-last area. It was a lot of fun, and one of the few times I’ve been able to play a longer game with her.
Well, we were dog-sitting for my sister, and the dog

What are my options for streaming this here in the US?

I’m having a hard time finding any definition of it other than fear. I don’t have the latest edition of the Newspeak Unabridged Dictionary, though.

I agree with you, despite all the comments from the logicphobes.

Rocket League is not very stream friendly. I can’t even get it to stream from the PS4 to my phone on the same network without game-ruining latency. You’ll find yourself constantly missing the ball or hitting it at the wrong angles.

Rocket League is not very stream friendly. I can’t even get it to stream from the PS4 to my phone on the same

Just because someone isn’t a science-denier it doesn’t make them transphobic.

Do you have evidence? Trans suicides are already at an astronomical rate. Post-surgery it’s close to 20x compared to peers.

Shhhhh.... don’t tell all the SJWs that they support Marxist authoritarianism.

That’s unfortunate. I was hoping for some good writing.