
The first time I went to China it was really irritating how often people honked there. They used a quick “beep” every time they would be passing another car, or just getting near it. This made absolute sense, though, since they’d often be driving 3 lanes of traffic on a 2 lane road. It just made for very noisy trips.

I will continue to use the phrase paddy wagon without guilt (I’m Irish), as well as “Long time no see” at random times every couple of years.

I’m pretty sure you fit the description of one of the SJW he references in the link you posted. How does that make you feel?

Thanks for mansplaining it, Teach, but the two were separate thoughts.

Don’t forget to use the word “allegedly.” Remember due process and all that stuff? Wouldn’t you want a fair trial before the mob of social media if accusations were thrown at you?

So, what you’re saying is, you find him..... Disrespect-ful????

Yes, perhaps alt-right people will down vote it. But then you’ll need to first take the number of alt-right people that are actually willing to go to the trouble to do that. Then compare that to the number of people who will upvote it just for the fact that it’s the first black Marvel superhero movie. Which number do

The 2010's... When being offended became competitive.

My parents would always ask me how my day was, and I would always respond “fine.” It became a running joke, but they were always cool with the answer. I do appreciate them asking, but I’m glad they didn’t pry and pry and pry. The days really were “fine” but I just didn’t want to get into a recap. So, I’d say feel free

Now playing

They’d be better off doing something about the rampant cheating that’s going on. It really sucks playing for 30 minutes and then dying to some guy name XingHu3347746 that managed to snipe me from 300 yards away with a mini gun.

I personally wish they’d get rid of the market, even though I’ve gotten around $50 for PUBG items. Now that I can see who killed me in the deathcam, I’m very much more aware of the existence of cheaters who snipe me 500 yards away through dense trees.
While I’m sure there are some no-skill people out there who just

The cosmetics can play a very minor difference in game play. Some of them are a bit more camouflaged than others... so can buy you a split second of time. 

And, on the other end of things, I don’t understand why a GoFundMe would even be set up in this situations like this. Throwing money at them is going to do nothing to fix the kid’s problem. It’s like we, as a society, think throwing money, fame, criticism, or hate at situations is going to fix things. The only thing

This story is despicable. No matter who this kid’s mom is, he is still a hurt child, who has been bullied, and who very well could be teetering on the edge of self-loathing and self-harm. Your selfishness of wanting to elevate your own career by just-possibly pushing this kid further off the edge is despicable and it

I really don’t understand why people are so upset. Sure, they messed with the XP gains. It’s all for cosmetics, though. If they want to change the system, that’s fine, as long as it’s not pay-to-win. I thought they started out a bit too generous on the silver anyway. It’s not profitable for them.

Does this mean I can finally assassinate Gary Busey?!!

What’s with New Monarchy being on the other side of the tower? It’s a much further trek than last time around. There’s plenty of room. Why hang out outside of a shop like a loitering bum?


Frankly, I thought it said IKEA when I first glanced at it.
Well... IKEA is from the Netherlands. The Netherlands submitted to Hitler in WWII. Therefore there are a lot of Nazi sympathizers there. They make cheap furniture. Some Nazis buy cheap furniture. And many people don’t know this, but they also recognize other