So when Black Lives Matter stormed the stage at Bernie’s rally that was totally ok. But when a white guy does it then oddly enough the same tactic is denounced. How is this to be explained?
So when Black Lives Matter stormed the stage at Bernie’s rally that was totally ok. But when a white guy does it then oddly enough the same tactic is denounced. How is this to be explained?
I can’t wait until Republicans start throwing milkshakes at Democrats. I’m sure Splinter will support this in the interest of fairness.
The problem with demanding a culture of immediately, always, “believing the victim”, regardless of the facts, is it inevitably leads to cases where the person being accused is someone that you like, and then what recourse do you have?
“According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, more than 98,000 people were processed at the southwest border in April. Earlier this month, President Donald Trump requested an additional $4.5 billion in border funding, with more than $150 million of the request earmarked to address “significant increases” in…
This policy is what the majority of Louisiana wants. Forcing abortion rights on states that clearly don’t want them has been the biggest disaster of the last 30 years for the left. It has animated the religious nuts like nothing else, and now the poison has spread nationally.
Since you choose to ignore what is obvious, I see a more precise question is required.
We should definitely exclude 72% of the population from leadership based on race.
“Incidentally, the colleague remembered Ocasio-Cortez winning the contest before she walked out, further objectifying her ...”
Liberal men are told “no uterus, no opinion”, and “it’s a woman’s choice”, loudly and repeatedly.
“The filibuster does not exist to save your rights. It exists to save Monsanto’s profit margin.”
What a load of shit. Pull your head out of the ass of your student Marxist-Leninist Club and join the real world.
All this utter horseshit here about we need to impeach because of duty, or that it’s our obligation. This is complete nonsense.
The editor will be here shortly.
Both of them are garbage. They need to walk the plank before they drag the whole party down with them.
There is zero (0) chance of the Senate convicting him. It is an exercise of the same level of abject stupidity as the Republican House making dozens of votes to repeal the ACA when there was a 100% chance it will be vetoed. Pure performance art, fantasy land. Complete Splinter virtue-signaling horseshit.
“I’ll state the obvious: voting is, unfortunately, a right only extended to U.S. citizens”