
Viola Davis. Soul food for the soul.

Brit here - we’re taught about Frederick Douglass and others in history class at high school. At least, in the (cough) ‘80’s when I was a student.

My poor grandmother raised me. We were often hungry and lived a mostly subsistence lifestyle. She often sent her meagre pension to Oral Roberts. I don’t think she benefited from that act of generosity, but I am certain he did.

Loved this, especially her grace in lifting up her opponent. To be fair his question sounds like it was written before the match. Good on Serena for putting a stop to it.

The dust on my screen - it gets in my eyes. Tissues, where are my gd tissues?


I saw this film today - it was embarrassing. It’s basically how many ways can we destroy women and blame them at the same time for daring to feel or have agency. Psychotic garbage.

A new study of psychopathic traits by Oxford University psychologist discovers that Donald Trump ranks above Adolf Hitler and only just below Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein and Henry VIII. Hillary Clinton ranks between Napoleon and Nero.
