
Throwing it was actually the gentlest course of action. It gave the bobcat the opportunity to escape if it wanted to. If he’d held onto it he’d probably have to strangle it, break it’s neck, or slam it’s head into something.

This thing is ridiculous.  And awesome.  NP.

So you don’t like hearing about how being overweight is bad for you, and hearing about it doesn’t help you? That’s fine. But it doesn’t mean that other people don’t need to hear it, or that it doesn’t motivate some people to make changes. People stopped smoking so much because they were essentially shamed into it by

BMI isn’t used because it is the MOST accurate tool, it is used because it is the simplest tool that works with the greatest degree of accuracy for the greatest percentage of the population for the most common health concerns. However much the rate of eating disorders have increased it will still be fractions of a

Yeah, then your kids come back fat and asking for McDonald’s. Would it be ok if she left Fox News on the TV the whole time they were visiting?

And then left the car sitting out front knowing there was a key floating around out there somewhere.

Kwame’s sentence was comuted by Donald Trump in his last 12 hours as president.

This is awkward and over-sharing, but school bus rides made me crazy anxious. You can stop reading if you want here. I don’t know if I ever got off a school bus without holding my school bag in front of me. About waist high. The school bus was bumpy and the seats vibrated a lot. I always had an erection. I spent much

I think there is one basic expectation when marrying into the most famous royal family on the planet; tow the line. If there’s one thing to be learned from Diana it’s that you can’t expect to enjoy the life you lived previously; your life is expected to be lived in service to the image. Royalty at this point is purely

Where did I say that?

The system is fucked up because of the Reds.  They fucked it up, they are currently fucking it up, they will continue to fuck it up.  It's their superpower.

The great experiment that is America has SO much potential, SO much promise - and is completely hamstrung, neutered even, by those backwards ass Red States.  America will never reach anything close to it's full potential because of over represented morons.  It's not unreasonable to hate them; it's unreasonable NOT to.

I read a touching story about a young girl in a red state who opened a lemonade stand to pay for her medical treatment and all I could really think about was who her family voted for and who she was going to vote for when she grew up. We need to stress to these Reds that their votes mean something and there are

But... I Am cool!  

I am bitter, so fuck those guys! Not Tina and Amy tho they’re amazing and I love them.

When the PT Cruiser was announced I was hyped about it. I didn’t understand why car companies hadn’t been doing retro style vehicles for years. I’m still on board for it, but the demand in the marketplace is apparently non-existent.  

May I introduce you to... The PT Cruiser?

America gets who it votes for.

I feel this way about Princess Diana.

I think it would be a mistake to think Letterman is treating Lohan poorly because she is a woman. He is a comedian, and as far as I am concerned, comedians are sacred cattle and can say ANYTHING they want with impunity. He had Biebs on his show when the Biebs was on the news for acting out and treated him harshly. I