
But he is definitely not a looser.

The more GMOs in my dip, the better it tastes!

Normally, I would agree, but this is the Super Bowl. Nothing says 'Merica like Ranch.

We are lacking a Habenero Salsa. Where the hell is the spice!?!?

could not agree more

Dan Snyder: "We would like to introduce our new head coach, J. Gruden."
Jay Gruden: "Hi folks"

The dick is the guy who recorded the video not in landscape.

Ah, the old "I am not racist, I have black friends" argument. Well done.

As a Cardinals fan, this asshattery Beltran and Wainwright has caused is completely unacceptable. If they took exception to Puig and Gonzalez's actions, then they should have run one right into one of their backs during the game. Calling them out like a bunch of whining school children tattling to their teacher does

TMZ is generally really good about sourcing their stories, but this is a giant screw up. So, either AP has a second 2 year old son that noone has ever seen, or TMZ is just wrong.

There is a special place in hell for this Patterson guy. Hope they let AP have a go with him


Vans has a three year contract. By all accounts, this was not nearly as bad as the 1986 riot where police cars were turned over and burned. I have lived in HB for 6 years. I have heard it took HB a long time to recover from the 1986 riot. I took my family downtown yesterday for lunch and dinner to support local

well done +1


embarrassed groupies

more stilts

UNC Charlotte Basketball signups

gettin his buzzzzz on

Breastfeeding Cheerleader?