Teenagers was a dope track. Are the other jams as good?
Teenagers was a dope track. Are the other jams as good?
Showing Maggie to people that love her is all i ever needed! She's my favorite. Ok, i still need to check out the Susanne girl. I think that was her name. And i'll check out the other stuff too, i promise!
Sounds like you need a safe space, angel.
Hahahaha you just publicly hanged yourself and you don't even realize it.
Yea this one! The pic of Fleetwood Mac that's on the screen isn't the right lineup, but this song is from that era https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Any method works for me! Glad you like a couple Vera Blue songs. I think those are the standouts for me, too.
I liked, but didn't love the Montgomery EP, but i'll spin it again. I'll check out Susanne right now. Vera Blue is awesome! Her voice is magical.
Bloodline is sooooooo good. I gotta start The Americans. I've only heard good things.
Great performer. Here she is dancing in heels and hitting every damn note like it's nothing on the Ellen show. https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Hell yea. She's an amazing singer. She's no Mariah or Whitney, but she's by far the best going these days for this style of music. Just as good live. Her SNL performance was especially good 'cause she got lots of love and respect from the cast/producers because of how good she was in the skits, too.
The American dream seemed to work just fine when the super-mega-ultra wealthy were taxed out of their assholes and still managed to have all the money. The burbs got a break and everyone did well. Obviously it didn't last, but people still believe it's possible. It won't be if the balance of wealth is like it is now.
Ariana Grande albums are a good fucking time, actually. Homegirl has tracks and it's like prime mariah. Good pop music is so fucking good.
Seriously, Erica?
I would imagine if i watched the show once per week, I'd notice differences in quality, too.
Don't listen to Beach Slang. Keep it that way. Haha
Kacie Castle
Stolen. Thanks.
Saw one of my friends in a porn yesterday. That was an awesome surprise. She appears to be very popular, too.
I'm sure some people are like you're describing, but the Foo Fighters would still be liked by all the kids who liked them in the 90s if they made music that was great. They don't.
Homie that was 27 years ago. Haha.