Rebel Queen

The two biggest problems with TLJ are the parking job being the undoing of the entire plan and the lack of objects to maneuver around making the chase very static and lacking in tension for most of the movie. They needed a moon system, rings, and astroids to maneuver through to create tension and visual dynamism.

The two biggest problems with TLJ are the parking job being the undoing of the entire plan and the lack of objects to maneuver around making the chase very static and lacking in tension for most of the movie. They needed a moon system, rings, and astroids to maneuver through to create tension and visual dynamism.


Yeah, she’s gotten a massive pass on invoking Jewish stereotypes.

It’s not like there is some kind of magic potion that people can use to match their inside with their outside in her fictio- Oh wait, I’m being massively sarcastic.

Which is a form of genocide. As in the dictionary definition.

No. Being a hateful person is on her.

TERFs are willing to kill women’s rights to hurt trans people. Abortion is an acceptable casualty to hurt trans women to these people. Saying she’s not a TERF is making a distinction without a stated difference. If you follow and support famous TERFs and argue using bad “science” and use feminist language then you’re

Fallen Order. I hate healing.

I remember playing the BMX stationary bike game at EPCOT.

Snow Crash is pretty straightforward.

In Westworld it was an explicitly discredited theory used as inspiration for artificial intelligence though.

*cough* Contra Points *cough*

They instinctively recognize human facial expressions. They know what you look like.

Based on all the hate I get daily, I’m pretty sure I personally killed feminism when I came out as a trans lesbian in 2011.

The 90’s was so soaked in X-Men you couldn’t escape them. Cap got a direct to video movie that made him look Z-list.

Marvel TV was always a cage for Ike Perlmutter To keep him out of the movies and KF’s hair. KF has the power to get rid of him. That’s what happened. Reading this as a buissness decision misses everything that went into the actual history of Marvel TV as an entity.

Okay, but can I bet a Sword Lesbian?

I have a hard time classifying her childhood as anything but abusive. That’s something people struggle to be free from, often till the day they die.

*pushes up the glasses I don’t wear and prepares to film snob* Well...