Rebel Queen

I thought Sean of The Dead would be the end of them. Took an extra fourteen years.

Forcing someone to consume a controlled substance is a felony.

The marching band cheated at the last Rose Bowl

So spend a tiny fraction of the company’s billions to hire a moral philosopher and pay woke people to moderate instead of people who literally think being gay is a crime.

China being shut out of world culture now might actually make a difference. Could the CPC stand up to their people if mainland China were cut off from K dramas?

HRC is nowhere near this stupid. She threw these women under the bus and pretended not to believe something she gave him blanket permission to do.

Some of us voted for Clinton without thinking she was the second coming. Sorry that chafes you so much.

To me that’s disengagement not forgiveness. To me, forgiving someone means they have been released from any feelings of guilt. It means giving them your approval of who they have become. I rarely forgive but I disengage all the time.

Lot of people could have legitimate reasons to be in your apartment due to an emergency with the building. Shooting first is going to kill a lot of people who have a right to be there.

The only Chumbawumba song not about eating the rich.

Chumbawumba is legit and super socialist.

They *are* political leftists. 🤔

More women should hire escorts but not for baby showers.

The dorks inherited the Earth.

Wait, wait... Who told teens that there was porn on the internet? Sounds like we need another article on it.

Or a demon or whatever; It’s hentai. 🤷‍♀️

It’s about as edgy as flipping off the camera. Not particularly.

“This is my body...”

Oh they wouldn’t, those videos are only for adults. /s
