Is it even meaningful profit? It’s just an empty high score.
Is it even meaningful profit? It’s just an empty high score.
Not a lot of young ones though.
I’ll vote for Useless (Biden). I just don’t want to have to if we have the option to not kill the planet.
If it’s the full on apocalypse? I’ll eat the kids in front of their parents and call it mercy.
And there is nothing in that system which requires we make sure rich people have 10 (or 11 or 12) figure fortunes instead of 9 figure fortunes. A billionaire offers no proven meaningful social benefit but taxes do. Money isn’t evil but letting it do nothing of value while Americans die in the streets is.
A rising tide frequently drowns the poor, especially in disaster economics and our economy would function perfectly well if Jeff Bezos only had $900,000,000 in personal wealth.
He was abused? He deserves a good jail counselor.
Does Milo protest the nanny state when he picks up his food stamps?
Joe Rogan cohost?
Wake me when there’s a dating show that includes anyone who isn’t there for a straight relationship and/or someone trans. Bi women who only have male options doesn’t count.
This is why I wear WW2 paratrooper style boots.
Whole lot of wasted effort in these comments avoiding the simple and obvious: Dude is a Nazi.
Lots of people pretending fascists don’t constantly steal symbols to co-opt. Such tired fake denials.
You know who else breathed air? Hitler.
“Honey, they were ugly and poor. They won’t even charge you.”
Bad free DLC is course and rough and it gets everywhere.
We have like 18 turns to build the carbon capture wonder or it’s game over.
Reminds me of all the insane scenerios they released for Civ2. The alien invasion was my favorite.
10-15 years seems reasonable.
Good thing they killed Think Geek or they might have something successful to distract them.