Ohio is arguably worse for trans people.
Ohio is arguably worse for trans people.
I balme the human amygdala.
I give myself the freedom to judge both my own government and others. It’s not about blaming some random dude from a fishing village, it’s about the actions of those with money and power.
After they beat Russia everything they did is on Japan. That was the end of real outside threats.
Richer, more powerful people raping boys.
I think I finally understand Republican Christians.
The ongoing crimes against Native Americans will be an eternal stain on this nation.
He preached against establishing authoritative churches too. A lot of Christians aren’t big fans of what Jesus said or did, especially those with power.
“...it would be weird to live your life saying shit you don’t believe all day”
Trump hates anything that isn’t about him. Also? Black people.
More like thirsty for whine. Dude just confessed to some seriously repressed stuff. I hope he develops a healthy relationship with that part of himself someday.
Grampa posting racist crap from his phone does not equal an understanding of technology. It means basic use of technology. There’s a difference.
Yes, all liberals care about is everyone. This is somehow a criticism?
I’d argue the PS3/360 era is where gaming hit its critical point. 3d finally looked good and online gaming finally worked reasonably well.
Kids today! Nirvana is “classic rock” and none of them have played Tie-Fighter. SMH
This level of rage is certainly normal for someone who is 100% cool with LGBT people. /s
BF2 hurting the brand but making money is great for EA and terrible for Disney. Disney actually manages their brands instead of running them into the ground.
EA is a terrible conpany- Wait, I’m not done.
Umm, what? This is about racism/religious bigotry.
Same reason most people hate: an empty need to feel superior