Rebel Queen

By 7 it’s kinda marginal, isn’t it?

His lawyer would have to film it. Wait, I just figured out who ran the camera.

Shh, Mother will hear.

Act crazy and plead insanity. It would work in one of his movies!

Sounds like the Death Star argument. Crew can and have walked from jobs they found morally objectional. Ones that weren’t facing charges. Now if I thought he was screwing himself by making this video I would do it.

We hope he is just moron. Trump is not who we want in office during a true credit crisis and if any President could turn a credit crunch into a crisis, it’s Trump.

Housing is slowing down, as is discretionary spending. Recession is coming.

Trump doesn’t know the price *or* value of anything.

I’d settle for a female protagonist.

Until? No, they won’t give it up just for a wall.

Plenty of gaurds at concentration camps have been women.

Wazzzzz uuuuuup?

It’s an American Psycho reference, genius.

Look into the history of the Babylon 5 flight sim. They finished the game to beta and then the game was axed by Sierra. They filmed cut scenes on the original sets with all the actors. It was going to be an open world game. Was going to be newtonian before that was a thing in space sims. Code Masters offered to buy it

I live on Seattle. Really need to buy more used games.

Well, live for half a term at least.

He probably wants Ivanka burried alive with.

Ray-Gun got two terms.

Trump would still have them all shot if he could.

Trump doesn’t understand why he can’t always be the birthday boy.