Rebel Queen

Utopian visions generally get in the way of simply adopting the best ideas from around the world with a proven track record. Something approaching an actual utopia is possible but it’s going to have to be cobbled together from thousands/millions of successful systems, not one person having The Answer (TM).

Don’t want to end up like the girl from Poltergeist.

Trump deserves the biggest planet. Let’s send their spacecraft to Jupiter. All the way to the surface.

“Water” is the accepted catch-all for two hydrogen atoms chemically bound to one atom of oxygen. Clarifying the state is acceptable when discussing a major discovery. Plus “Ice” can refer to other chemicals or elements, though usually with a qualified statement. Specificity is helpful in science.

 Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids

Venezuela and Iran seem most likely. Venezuela is the lowest impact option.

He makes Jodorowsky movies on accident.

I love this conversation. I might have to play today.

Plastic egg-crate patterns would be more effective.

Or just use Evergreens and no oaks.

Depends on how far the trees are from the road. A wooden wall with trees outside it would be very effective.

That’s why you use Evergreens.

Flexible plastic slats would trap the sound better. Trees are pretty great sound absorbers.

I agree though I would argue there is still a net benefit since people 300 feet away will experience much lower sound levels with the wall than those right next to the freeway would without the wall. Three dimensional wave energy dissipation, etc.

Why can’t they just use their fortunes to have consensual kink parties? I mean, I know. It’s because they want real slavery and real abuse at their hands.

I’m generally against CIA assassinations, but...

I’m so sorry.

That would require rich people talking to their kids. A lot of them don’t.

That’s the point of most cults from what I can tell. Sexual abuse of minors and/or extortion are practically defining features unless the leader is insane.

Fortunately personal trauma as a child left me deeply skeptical of authority. There are times I might have fallen for their rhetoric but those were also times I would have been genuinely dangerous to anyone trying to control me against my will or blackmail me. Once it moved beyond consensual kink I wouldn’t be someone